Resolution 0997 - Resolution of Intent - SID 219289 BEGOUTION 01 MENTIM VT CW,,'IP!',' DISM,"TCT NO. 219 IE W RESMAMD BY 7­.'r C.I-I'Y COTT!..,-TCIL (IF T_Fi,? 01"PY OF KALTS ­-I'LL, W�NNNNMM SeMan 1. Thwt it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Kal:iopell. to oreate a special improvement dintrinn is designated as iselal Improvement Dior'ict Wo. 219, ?_,,rid talc.: bound�;,xics of sndd proposed eciaE.l irr,,rovement are hereby declared to be as follows -, Staxtin-, at a point which is the intersection of the, cente,>:rline of Railroad Street and the centerline of the alley betvleen Fozrth- aand Fifth East,; thence in a soMherly direction Flo s the, couterline of' said alley th.xoiA_.,h blocks 40, 4, 6o, 6i, Bn 80, 100 and 101, thence continuin olherly to W centerline of Fi , r 0 Iith St� eet; th race in arl easterly direction an along the centerlinc of 'Ei�;hth 358 !'Fet to went Property IM of the alley between Fif-Ul and sixtir PVenucu East; thence in a northerly direction 142 fewt euet of and parrallcl to the east PrOPMY line of Fifth ANenue East thro-L,,.-,',h blocks 203, 202, 1,98, 19n 191 1)3, 190 and 191. A.I,l block.,, within tj.n ,, City J,ir!AL-s of, t1te City oj Kalispcl.l , Section 2. That the yencral oarra,cter c�j, the nt to be, ) �ovemc S in said pr"osed Special Tmprojement Diotrict � s follor,_, 0 t -wit: grading and of Fifth Avenuw East t'rc�)nj Rail 'roe-d Street to ],aAtyth Stl-efc: t witi.'t eithe r as six inch concrel,e r--vc�,m. ?"t on .a base or and oneWmIf Mai Waizenite—Bit ulithic surface on, a oric o.11d. ol,je.half inch the construction of neceesurY catch­basin2, Kam sevfel`s, Sidevv,:�lk extensionn loaders, etc. section 3. That the ap.j,)rcxran ,,.a,te 00st cat. is Con cre te M,390- 72, 3 0 t i 33 9 7,, Section 4. '_i'hat t'ne entire coat aqd exp,,,--,n-,e of araclnrdinl street und alley Wersecticn',��, shall, be s,,,,scsFe(j ac-,,ajjj,,t tine entire district, Pach lot or parcel of land ,,vithil', such di,,Aticto aosessed i'ar t,,,tat of, tbkwh,oly cost Whica its area be,,.rs tn the area, of the entire diso4at exclusivc-, of ostroct, allays and. public places. MC = 5. ThwL said r-- esSltlellt elllall be paid fojr, k,ora ,q,C,� ual aymual installmebts hereby extended ,,, J:)erjej, tcLvs. assessrient Shall col-istitute a. fund t� be knoim ao Special Improvement DisKict lAnd No. 219. Section 6. That said improvements wall E-,,e for in S-pecial Irqprovemcnt District Coupon 'WIt-o"r ants U-sued arairt2t said district in the sum of 0100.00 each, bearn, interest at 6 per Cent. per anynan from the date of regdslamtion until cz,,O.led fo-a, rederajxtion or paid in full, intmest -payable annually on tue, fJrst day of Witiary of eanh year, payable ten years from date and redeemable at any time tj:jere are funds to tlie credit of such 1rj.prover,,,,ejjt F)istTjLct Fund availablo therefor; We interest coupons -atl;ached to such wwmants to bear the fac-simile a! ;natux,es of tbe ]1,1.ay <a ld Clerk. Section 7, Thnt on thc seventh day of May, 392� at the Council Ciiambcrs in t.ne City 11-11 of the City of Kal ispell, I;Tontana at 7:30 0 *clock P. ri, a znect:,n,-,.,,, the City Council will hetir Up011 rv11 PI°Otesto tuat rnny be made ag—ainst the j of p.-,UCII 4,1, oveexits he n or tcre,,tj.o m- such diol, ic provided that such Protests ai,e received by -L-ae City Clerk within fifteen days ufter the date of' the, firtit publication of this notice. Section 85. The City i.?heruby authorized ia.�-,d directed to give the proper notice of the passaqge f-)f this resolution by Publication and mailing' cs required by luw, each pu�'Lj. C_ati oils to be made in. thc Kalispoll, Times weekly newspaper piflblished in tbe C!ity of Kulicpell. I ssed June 12, 1924. ys,,)proved June 12, 2`)24-. P. F. Ro:Lvkv-,cw-,t, ��ity, Clerk County of !nWaNd(sS. City Of 1, 1, IN F. Holzknecht, Clerk of thi,, City of Yont,an,v, do hereby certify thit the foretroinf�, is a -full, tru(-., and exact coS,,)y of' as resolution passed. by tloie City Council and ejpproved by thte 11ayor of tne City of' Ksaispell, McAnna, mi the 12th day of Mine, 1924. Wit -co day Jnra^ , 1924. Al P. P, To.