Resolution 0996 - Resolution of Intent - SID 2182137 RF,,S0l,IT!'10'9 OF _T17TI,-,J,,: CON ( 3,--, CT!,L UO. WE)' BF�,TT F�ESOT,,LED BY THI,' CTTY COTIN11"iL C`--, 77E,� 1.'TTY C)"I K-,',I, HOUTAYA: Section 1. That it is the inteution of t,itc City Council cl the City of ME WIWI to create a special distvic'-,, h.ereby desj-(m,n,"tcd as Special Im, 21b, andthe bour)&,--rics prove,�rf-if,,,nt Dj-ot3�ict No, of saki proposed qpecia)l impa,oi;e.-r,;cy).L district are herr,,,by decj;�ixed to be as f 0 11 ows �--,t a point which is 10c intersection of the-, centerline of Puilroad Street and the can tealin,,: at tno alley bet,�,rTeon Third and Fourth Avenues T�',ast; thence i,n scnithsrly dirention alury-,- the centerlirc,, of Oaid alley thr0uzjL '25lock-3 39, 4.2, 59, 62, 79, 82 ayld 99 thence coyltinuinsout'rierly -0 the centerlinc of St'rect; ttrlioer]Oetenfh 'r a of 366 to the centernne of ae aney Ibetweer. 1--ourth. z.ne, T"ift]c, Avenues Ra,ot; thence in a nQrtcerly direction alonj Mon centerline throu,,,%h Blocks 100, 81, 80, 61, 6o, 41 and 40 t.,-,qence continu.in�_-,, nort.rierly to the centerline of Railroad styeet; thence in n. w(,,,sterly ddrection aIong, the oe-=-rtc--3,-]Jre of Railroad Street 366 to t3o,�; a,eginnin:_,® All blocks within the DrigWil Tov;nsi,,,e, C,,,t,y of K-J,J;�pell, hlonQ-"-a. Section 2. Tht t C3 general character of the im.p-,-ovemento to k)e nudQ in e,�,Jd i.)roposed Speciil lowovnmnt Distj-iol, in, as fol,l(nas, to-wtt, gradin; and piving of' Wirth Avenue Bast from Eailro;-td St3,'eet to Sev(-,,ntb street WiLh- QiVne"r asix inch cor,,C:�-"et'e on a gr"el I ser or 'e, one ,.+,nd one-.nulf inc; on n. one One- half inch bituminons bace and uarc the consWicHon of snaecoary ecteli- bavias, otosewers, sideviJk extenoHnn ImWers, etc. sectioll 3- 11'at tne wroxinuLte cost cf on,id Q Concrete $29,2i6,88, Section 4. IOU tho WHO cost und expenso of numi QM=ovements, strot and alloy intersections, sht,,11 be asoessed t"ne entJ"e onstrien eudi lot or nxcel f I s, h J, -, , I t t b e 10 assessed for that part of bLe wholc cost riiich its orea bears to tile area, of the entire district- exclusive of street, Ways zmd yNdic pla"e. Section 1. That ouid v.uuessmejtt be j-)LLid. f,:,', in te"n annuul instal ne ts hereby extended oven ri, per,ou of Len yc,,,Lrs. 2a] d shall constitute to fund t,o be known section 6. ThA said impravemeAG be it .i fu in District Oou.1jon 1,1[axrr,tints insued s�,­­Ld district in the sum 0.", S2,00.0(l bemqng interest at 6 per oent. per annwn From t1w date of regAtration until called Ar redwrptimi or paid in fu31, interest payable annually on t]ne first day o-f T)nuaxy of each yo,ax, 1),;,y�,<,Ibe ten years Awn date &_nd at any time mere are funds to the credit of' smch Dnp�:ovemcnt District, Fund available therefor; the Wterqot ccupons att,,xhed to such warrants to bear the fac-simile sJic,natures nf the ,ILyox- e_­-d. Clerk. Section '/. That on the seventh day of July 1924, at the Council A tim City Hall of t,,j.e City 01, K isrell, Montana, at 7:30 Olclac1. F. rneetin-,, tiae, city Connc�I win bear and Imss upon all protests that may -be T�jude _tgainst the. making of such improvements or 1,,oc! cl,.eatioll at' such district, provided that such protests are received by t-he City Clerk v,,,ithin fifteen days after the date Of the first publi cati oil of this notica. Section 8. The City Clerk is he-reby authorized a,ad direct,ed to give the notice ol tae pa,',-,sv,,re of this resolution of p4blication aud ni-iIiing us required by law, vuAi imlaicution to be made in the Kalispell Times V, VV`,cR1Y newspetper pub],ished in the City of Passed Jun,,.e .12, 1,)24. Yproved Amw512, 1924. R. Baanwo" Mayor. T. H,01zkriec-nt, ci-ty clor1c. Sta,te of County �,f I'I,,,tiiead Ss. My of WIAU)ell, 1, 11 F. lfolzknecht, 0:_rk of the Cj.,ty of YoUnna do hereby certify that the Aregoin is ", full., ta'iie ,_-aid exaxt copy of a resolition passed by tho City Council and a,pproved by We !Myor of the City of MZ im.eij, arc rat a,ac On thu 12th day of June, IY24, Wit',-?csf, ITIY thIs 13th daY June, 1924. r PI