Resolution 0995 - Resolution of Intent - SID 2179 1 5 _T D 13 017 1117-7l '72ION T",, 1 CT No w 217 BE 71.1 1-,,'H3(,)Ur1.3D BY T Ciiy CoUl',XII, OF T�,'.!,' CTTY 01' KILIS17ELL, R�MMHMMM Section 1® That it is ta`e, "ctelltion c-)f CJc;y Council tine City.of Kalispc1l to crP-,Jte a sj)ociti,,J improvwwnt disMal homby de s i,- ;nate,0 as hnprovemcot Distxiot Uo� 21',?, ­,nd t,i•: boandaxi�.;z of said pyopo,,�5ed "'pecial i-spar-rient are rtereby declared to be as follows: Startii-i.,­, at a poi.,-t whic.'a is L_,o intersectiori of the ce.nterline of i2aii-roza4 Street :-,rnd ce centerline of the alley between Sec o,id and Third ,',,venue E'ast; tience in a scriLicrly direction aloan,,, said. centerline throu,gh -Block 3"43, 58, 63, ?i 83 owd 98 and continuing sou thorly to the centerlinc, of Seventh Street; thenoe in .-,Yi easterly direction 366 feet along the centerline of Sevental St.r�.:ct to the ceaterli.ncl of' the alley b(;tveeii Thira and Vourth Avenue East; tl.i.eince in a nort.iQ.rly direction along the ce�aterline of this alley tlirou.gh '131ocks 99, 82, 79, 62, 59, 4-2 and 39 t,,ence continuin_,-, riort-Lerly to tklo C'enterline of Rudlro,d St-reet; t'lience in westerly direction f,,,re centerline (_ff Railroad Street 366 feet to t1tae point of L)eginniaL;, All blocks exe within the Town2ite, City of Kalispell, Montanr_ Section 2. That tac, L,,eoeral. chn.racter of 'CiLe improvrionts to be made in :aid proposed Specir,J Tniprovement Districi, is as to-ait: grading and yamiu; of Third Avenue 7]ast froh" !',ailroad 31,reot -to Seventh Street with edt-'ier ta six i-nch concrelto 1,.).,vu-r.aent on a, U.,,�'avel base, or a. oiie. and. one-Iftalf inch surface orgy a one arad or inc'n bitunijucuu Me und also Lu�,, constiaction of nocessary catch-b_nsina, storm -sewers, side­wal'< extentions, rj(,,aders, reps,:rs, etc, Section j® Tnat the approximate eSB o:.' seid, -ts is Concrete 09,,,16.,M), $29,216.88. Section 4. That the entire cost a extpense of, su.-,h improvements, includ&4 street and alley intersections, be a-goesood of fll(„ entire district, eadi lot or parcel oi' izv�,nd wit-nin dist-f,,ict to be asnessed fox that ---a't of 11-ve Mnla cost whicli hts .rea be,,rs to e_,rea of the ef.iti_-ce disWet ex&uzive of otrec,,t�, alloye. _Iiid _publ,_c pl.acos,. Section 5, That said n3weasmaqt saall bepaid M jai ten equal, inn ntallmonts horeby extended over n 1,)er7c)d of ton. ­:,,oessi�lent - -,r whulj constitute a Mal a be known a�--, Special jmprovcrij,--.It t ict Fund No. 217. section 6. That said improvements sht,,Al be paid f,,,I, a, Sp,-,CJ',.aI D"r,p.,,,ovement District Coupon Warrunte Qqued against, said district in t'r,e sum of each, an!-,�irest ut 6 per per annum froni tqe date of registration until called for red aytion or Imid in i full, interest vayulbe annually on th.e first day of •Tanuary of each year, ,?,,;,yubIe ten yearo from dote and redeenable act any time there are funds to the credit of such lm,y)roveincnt District Pland uvailable therefmi the Werest coti, 0ons ,--Atached 'to such waarants to be,-,jx the A�ayoT umd Cle-k. Section 7. 'Nat on the, 7 d-,y of July 1924, at Wn Council Wmbers At tY City Hall of t,--3 CitY Of 'MAispell, 11,1onta2'ia, at -/: 30 o 'clock p. m. , a remilar meotin :, 1JUeCity CoUncil will xicar m.d pass Mwn all protests that riay btnu of Such :.')f tnrc c-rea,tion �I` ,nach dishmot, proYded that such poNsts are received by the City Clark within, ffftc,en days f t e I, t, i I u d,t, e, of t,,,, c f i t pub li c a t I o n o f t 11 i 2, R 0 t i c -0, � Section 8. The City Clerk is Mel aMoAned omd Urected to IJ,J.ve the proper notice the �,.vassa_;e of this resolat.Jon by publication and avliri,, -as requi-ed by sucl.1 !III I -,,I i Cat -,`Lon to be rade in -5w Xallspcll Thas a wookly neivopuper publis'ned in tDo Passed jixz,,c 12, 1924� AppruveO% Jure 12, 1924, 1- '.M. baorgin' -I, Iiojo.r F, F, Holzkmcci.,t, City Clezk. Sta,te of COI:f-t-V Of City of Kalispell 1, jo, p, of the City of AWntann do beraby certIff -Unt I&Y fa!"WWA is 1 Wl, true Ma rmact copy of a resolution. passed by t,,,4e C!"-y Council ,.,nd a-pyroved by tIae M,-,"Yor of the City (A Wlipc,11, on t� c 1.2th day mine, 1 92A Vi NO 0 Mrly (bi 13 i'l "n T, T C I d�--