Resolution 0994A - Resolution of Intent - SID 216Flrl_��LLZUU_1_111 cE_2TL),_2z_Lz1 RMOLUTION OF THTRNTTM�T TO CIE'RAT,`,� S-,­'E1C1,%Lr TDI'37RT(`,T NO , 20 BE IT .ESOLITTD _'5Y '1711—E Cl',CY COUIM.M 01 Tll' CITY 011 K,,,.L13P_`LL, Y03T1,'A_7A - Section 1. That it in We intention of the City Council of the City of Kalispell to create a ape cial improveiaaa.rit diotrict, here- by desiowated as S1,)ccial is prove.,went District No. 216, un(l tn�, C boundaries of said proposed special impi7avcmerit district are, hereby declared to be as follows: Startin; at a poi.nt which is tae intersea- tion of tile centerli_-ae of Ra-llroa,d Street ,nd th.e; centerline of the alley be,twe,en first Avenue F,,,,st and Secand ',venae 1,,cst; tl.wn�e in southerly direction along the centerline of tho alley tjarou,,_'n blocks 37,44,�)/,64, 77,34 and 97 and thonce continuin; to the centerline of Seventh Str(,,et; thence in wi easterly direction zdop, the, conterline of Seventh str('et fox, a distance of 356 feet; nence in a noltherly direction 2 feel, west of Euil parallel to the west propc.,rty 3i,y1e, oi, Lae alley betwee�n Second and Mird Avenue East throu& Blocks 98,83, 78, 6_�, 58, 43 and 38 and thence continuin, nortacrly to the centerli-ne of Street; thence in a westerly direolujon alone °, the centcrlir-ke of' Railroad Street for a distance of 356 to lh.,c pdjzj,W of beginnirly. All of toe above blocks are within tho Original Townsite, CiP;y of JCrj.j- istpell, Yontana. Section 2. That the general cf, improverl;nts to be made in said proT aosed IMP!,'Ove-ment -is 33 follows, tea -wit : Sraidirl�111d PaVin of Second Avenue East froyl. Railroa,ci Street to Seventh Street with either 41 si-T, inch reinforced concrete pavement on a ;ravel base or a. onw amd OneVm1f inch Uarrenite- Bitulithic surface an ;L one and one -hall inch bitumBnous base wid also the cOnstructiOn of necessary catch-ba-,�i_,us, repa-irs, sideviulk extenr3_o31s, taeadf,,rs and etc, Section 3. That the appro,%j.,:r,,Mte Cost n) said impravemr_­nt� i,, Concrete Warrenite Bitaa.Jjt ri.r ;,,29216.88 Section 4. That the entire cost an& exppra (, of o1,L0.,Lj. improve,,.en t S, includin; street j,t ..... tj,,s, z .!,iall be ae,�sessed 1.1,f t tyle entire district, each lot or parcel j.,jyjj, lto be ausessed for tw,3�t QQzt Ca i. is be,,i,rs thc elatire MOW Section �, That sa,,'-d asse-ssnent 2�lall be paid fwr in -ten equrtl annual iris t allj�e Ylt 0 he��,.-,eby -ex'k,,e --Jed over a periad of ten yea -re. said esa,,,aIent shall constitute a, fund to be known a�3 Special lmprove�uerjt District Fu--nd Na. 216. Section 6. That inqprove3e11ts shall be paid for in Special Lnproe,,-ne.,t Disbricii, Coupon ',Yarrayito :issued a�-,,,aiyast said district in the suri of IWO.00 eacli, bearin,�i.ri w t 6 per cent. per arintu,ii fror,'I tie date of re�,istration until called for redeription or paid in full., interest payablc,, aralually on is day of J',,,mi)axy of each year payable ten ycars Kom date emd at any ti.r.,ie tile--,-e are funds to -tic credit, of such Improvwant Tnstwi-ct 11'Ltnd avadlab].c,. vrefm,.,; t!P inLeres)t coupons attnched to such wwrants to bear t w fao-siinile of too Y.,,",yor %,',nd Cle"r-1k. section 7. That on the seventh Ay of July 11-�24, at ti�e, CuLincil Coodbers in tiie City all oj toe City to K,,, ", 1 i -3 c'I - 11, llont--: la, 'zI t 7:30 a 'clock p. m. , a resular mpetjaz, Cj iy Council zrill fleas axid -?ass upon U11 Provests tawt may "be, nade F�i.o riakin.of mzch in1prove- ments or the creation of imch district, provided 1,A such _prot estr, are reewived by the City Cler,,c i'iftcs en days -,�fter the date of the fir sf, publ,ic<itl.on of t!L-' ?1()tiCC. Section 8— The Ci-,y CIVIN A hereby directed to J& the propur noUce, of the it t, z. e of thin -re.Fmlution by publication ana as reqti.ired lair, o-uch pWbl-`.a�ation to be ,an'de in t.'r].e Kallorpoll. TL: es weekly newspaper publiched in tae City of KaIJ-�j1,e'11. lassed Mons 12th, 1924, .Ap:�,)rovecl Tunc 1.2-th., 1,?24. P. 1'. Holzknecnt. State of Monbana County of Flatnead S,13m Ci'Ly. of KalispQll T, P. Folzkxiec-t, CLerk o-f t-11"." ("ity csi lice aispell, do ]"iereby certify t.at we jo, a full, true and ex,-Axt COPY Of '& resolZ ion j,?-oced by the City Corneal -tnd pp, sere by the 2Myoi of the City of KAADoll, Ifiontana, on the 12th da:y. June, 1924. I I 13rd d rWom lq= (tZ", plo, P. F.