Thursday, June 5, 2014
Lower Level Conference Room
201 First Avenue East
Mark Crowley, Construction Manager Dave Dedman, Fire Chief
Keith Haskins, Senior Civil Engineer Tom Jentz, Planning & Building Director
Kevin LeClair, Senior Planner Rick Parker, Bldg. Dept. Inspector
Wade Rademacher, Police Captain Rebekah Wargo, Asst. Civil Engineer
P.J. Sorensen, Chairman Kathy Nelson, Recording Secretary
GUESTS: James Freyholtz (Montana Department of Transportation); Ryan Pokorny (Kramer
Enterprises); and Jim Davis and Ray Smith (A to Z Engineers).
PERFORMANCE BOND REMINDERS: Kalispell Center Mall — Crowley will contact Peterson
to remind him that their bond will be expiring soon. They will need to do some improvements or
extend it for a short period of time.
Kalispell Brewery — They may post a Performance Bond as a Cashier's Check, depending on when
they finish up. They are targeting the 18th to open. They should have all their improvements done by
the 15th or 16th, which is mainly their parking lot and landscaping.
OLD BUSINESS: Kalispell Kidds — N. Meridian; new pediatric dental office. The building is
7,823 sq. ft. They want to get started on their site improvements. They have combined the
properties together. Public Works sent them comments last week but have not received anything
back yet. This will be on the agenda for our next meeting.
Radiation Oncology Building — 343 Sunnyview; expansion of existing medical facility. The Rock is
on one side, and the hospital is to the south. Parks is okay with this project. Wargo is waiting for a
complete submittal. This project is the next commercial project to be reviewed by Parker. Crowley
noted that they have made some improvements to the site to make it ADA compliant so they can
close Heritage Way for The Rock and for the Radiation Oncology Bldg. This will be on the agenda
next week.
Burger King — 205 — 18th Street East; new restaurant — on a parcel south of the Outlaw Inn. Fire
and Parks are okay with this project. Parks is waiting on one item. Public Works is waiting for a
response to their comments they sent to the engineer. Haskins noted that their Traffic Report does
not show sidewalk on Third Avenue, and they haven't addressed street lights. This will be on the
agenda for next week.
Highway 93 Alternate Route/Ashley Heights — soundwall. Freyholtz sent a copy of the MDT
Encroachment Permit. Parker noted that the engineering on the wall is good. Wargo is waiting for a
call back from Waatti to clarify where the wall goes in relation to the property line. Their Building
Permit will not be issued until Public Works signs off on this project. This is passed through Site
The Meadows — off of Four Mile Drive. They are asking for a PUD Amendment request to switch
to townhomes instead of condominiums. They have agreed to have the 15-day timeframe extended
that Site Review needs to determine this as a minor or major change, specifically referring to the
utilities. Public Works still has some concerns about maintenance of the utility. Haskins noted there
are other issues, such as fire hydrants in proposed driveways and handicapped ramps in driveways.
Since the developer requesting this change is not the current owner, we will not actually amend the
PUD until he does become the owner, unless the current owner makes the request on his behalf. This
will be on the agenda for next week.
NEW BUSINESS: Costco —2330 Hwy 93 N; walk-in cooler addition on the north end of the
existing retail building. Dedman is okay with this project as long as the exits are covered. Public
Works is okay with this project. This is approved through Site Review.
OTHER BUSINESS: Haskins stated that Public Works is nearing approval of Mountain Vista
Phase 4 for a second time. There are some changes with the pond and some of the utilities. They
will probably be done with it this week. They still have the 50' setback buffer. Wargo noted they
changed some of the lots on the cul-de-sac so they have a different cut through to get back there, and
they shrunk the lots slightly to get back to the pond.
Jentz filled us in on Roger Claridge's plan to extend Rose Crossing from Highway 93 to Whitefish
Stage Road.
PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: Montana Academy — 1045 — 3rd Ave E - They are looking at a
CUP for a fourth group home. They already have two on the east side and one on the west side.
They have a maximum of eight or less people in each home. These are transitional high school
students from their campus in Marion (Lost Prairie) that come into town to the group homes. This is
going to the Planning Board June loth
Beehive Homes Assisted Living — on Stillwater Road on the Foxtrotter project area. An application
for a CUP will be going to the Planning Board June loth. We will be recommending that it be
approved to use the property, not approval of their site plan. They will still need to go through Site
Review and Architecture Review. Conditions will be required, including looping of fire lines, sewer
connections, etc. They will only be approving the use of this as an Assisted Living Facility. No new
plans have been received as yet. This will be on the agenda for next week.
Bloomstone — They have an approved PUD for the whole overall subdivision. This request is for
Phase 1-A West for an addition of 4 more 8-plex buildings. They will be adding 32 apartment building
units and taking away some of their townhouse lots. There were 64 units; now there will be 96 units.
Sorensen needs a formal letter from the owner requesting this change, and note the specific
provisions. There are some utility issues that need to be worked out before we can approve a Final
Plat. Davis noted they will be adding four more water connections, four more sewer connections, and
then revamping the parking lot. They will also add some bio swales to handle the stormwater. They
will lose some of their density to the Four Mile Drive project. They plan to put in multi -family lots
along the bypass, and have single-family or duplexes on the interior lots. They need to make sure
new lots that are created will work with the setbacks, and show how that will work. MDT will put in
a pedestrian trail along Four Mile. This will be on the agenda for next week.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:35 a.m.