May 13, 2014
The regular meeting of the Kalispell City Planning Board and
Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Board
members present were: Chad Graham, Rory Young, Charles
Pesola, Steve Lorch, Matt Regier, and Karlene Osorio-Khor. Tom
Jentz and Kevin LeClair represented the Kalispell Planning
Board President Graham took a moment to thank members Pesola
and Regier for re -upping the terms on the Board. He- also
welcomed a new Board member, Karlene Osorio-Khor.
President Graham explained that it had been a year since the
Planning Board had elected officers. He began by asking if there
were any nominations for Vice President. Lorch nominated Pesola
and Regier seconded the nomination. Pesola accepted the
nominations. No other nominations were made.
Pesola's election as Vice President passed unanimously on a vote
by acclamation.
President Graham then asked if there were any nominations for
President. Pesola nominated Graham and Regier seconded the
nomination. Graham accepted the nomination. No other
nominations were made.
Graham's election as President passed unanimously on a vote by
Lorch moved and Pesola seconded a motion to approve the minutes
of the April 22, 2014 special meeting of the Kalispell City Planning
Board and Zoning Commission.
The motion passed unanimously on a vote by acclamation.
None. No members of the public were present.
A request from More Schreiner Investments, LLC to annex .87
acres of developed commercial property into the city and zone the
land B-2 (General Business) upon annexation. The property is
located at 2141 3rd Avenue East. The property currently is
connected to city water. The property owner wants to connect to
city sewer that is available to the property. The lot can be
described as assessor's tract 8C located in Section 20, Township 28
North, Range 21 West.
Kalispell City Planning Board
Minutes of the meeting of May 13, 2014
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STAFF REPORT KA-14-03 Kevin LeClair, representing the Kalispell Planning Office reviewed
staff report KCU-14-03 for the board.
LeClair reviewed the location of the property adjacent to the
existing City of Kalispell boundary and the commercial area along
Highway 93 South, near the Hilton Garden Inn, Rosauers and the
City Airport.
LeClair displayed an aerial photo showing the developed nature of
the property and the existence of a waterway on the eastern third of
the property. He explained that the property is currently being used
as an office for a commercial roofing contractor.
LeClair reviewed the requested B-2 (general business) zoning of
the property and explained how it complied with the "commercial"
designation in the Kalispell Growth Policy.
LeClair then reviewed the cost of service analyses that were
prepared for the Board's consideration. The first was an estimate
of the cost to serve the property currently, or if it were not annexed
into the city. The cost was $530 per year. The second analysis was
an estimate of the costs and revenues generated by the property if it
were to annex into the city. The property is estimated to generate
$2,278 in revenue from taxes, assessments and usage fees, if
Staff recommended that the Kalispell City Planning Board adopt
staff report KA-14-03 as findings of fact and recommend that the
Kalispell City Council approve the annexation of the property into
the City of Kalispell and adopt an initial zoning designation of B-2
(General Business).
BOARD DISCUSSION Lorch asked where the boundary was between the county zoning
designations of B-2 and R-2. LeClair explained that the boundary
was along the western edge of the Green Acres residential
subdivision located east of the subject property.
Graham asked about the revenue shown in the preannexation side
of the cost of service analysis. LeClair explained that the property
was already connected to city water service and the $178 shown
was the revenue from their annual water bill for the property.
Graham then asked about the condition of the property's private
septic system. LeClair reported that the property owner had said
the pipe connecting the structure to the septic system has been
partially crushed. The property owner would like to decommission
the septic system and connect to city sewer which is available in 3'd
Avenue East adjacent to the property.
Kalispell City Planning Board
Minutes of the meeting of May 13, 2014
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No members of the public were present to testify.
Lorch moved and Young seconded a motion to adopt staff report
KCU-14-03 as findings of fact and recommend that the Kalispell
City Council approve the annexation of the property into the City
of Kalispell and adopt an initial zoning designation of B-2 (General
Osorio-Khor asked if the property owner normally attends the
hearing. LeClair said that it is customary for the owner to attend
but it is not required. Staff had informed the owner that the issue
was not contentious and their attendance would probably not be
Osorio-Khor asked how many unincorporated properties are
receiving city water service. Jentz explained that the Planning
Department has mapped that information in the past and could
provide that information to the Board at a subsequent meeting.
The motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.
LeClair noted that each Board member had been given a copy of
the Draft Kalispell Growth Policy PLAN -IT 2030 for their review
and discussion at their upcoming meeting in June. LeClair
mentioned that Planning Department staff had been attending
meetings with key stakeholder groups, such as the Chamber of
Commerce to let them know that the document was available for
review on the city's website.
Young asked if there was any unfair advantage being given to any
one group. LeClair explained that there was no unfair advantage
because they were informational in nature and that any feedback
received would be relayed to the Board. In addition, any member
of the public has the same opportunity to provide feedback to the
Board either directly at a meeting or via the Planning Department
at any time.
LeClair then explained that a neighborhood meeting was being
held at the Flathead High School Auditorium on Wednesday, May
14, at 6 PM to discuss the residential parking district solution that
the resident volunteers have come up with. The Board members
were invited to attend if they wished.
Graham asked about the process that would be followed once the
community group had a solution they would like considered by the
City. LeClair explained that when they were ready the
neighborhood volunteers would be making a formal proposal to
Planning Board for consideration and a public hearing. The Board
would then snake a recommendation to the City Council for final
Kalispell City Planning Board
Minutes of the meeting of May 13, 2014
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consideration. Graham asked why on -street parking was
something the Board would work on. LeClair noted that the impact
of commuter parking on the Westside neighborhood is believed to
be affecting the quality of life for residents in the neighborhood
and the Board's role is consider city policies regarding the use of
land and how they support the quality of life for Kalispell's
residents. For that reason, it seemed most appropriate that the
Planning Board be the first official public body to review and
consider any possible changes to how on -street parking in a
residential neighborhood is managed.
LeClair remarked that the Planning Department had received
applications for two conditional use permits. One for a residential
care facility on Stillwater Road. The other for a group home for 8
or fewer residents on 3rd Avenue East. The Planning Department
expects these two items to be on the Planning Board's agenda in
The meeting adjourned at approximately 7:22 p.m.
A regular meeting is scheduled for June 10, 2014 beginning at 6:00
p.m. in the City Council Chambers located at 201 1St Avenue East
in Kalispell.
APPROVED submitted/ orrected: / / b /2014
evin LeClair
Recording Secretary
Kalispell City Planning Board
Minutes of the meeting of May 13, 2014
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