Resolution 1002 - Resolution of Intent - SID 221No I�ESQLUTIM NO. 1UO2 RESOLUTHON 01" INTENTION TO C,1"d,,ATF SPECI"IL IMMUMEXT DISTRICT BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUITCIL 01, THD, CITY 01' KALISPELL, -MOUTANA. Section 1. That it is.tiie intention of the City Councilof the City of Y—lispell to 'create a special Improvement district, hereby designated as Special Impr,ovement District No. 221, and the boundaries of said proposed special Improvement dietrict, are hereby d'eclared to be as follows: startin r, at. a point which is the intersection of the cent erline of Min Street and the centerline of Seventh Street; thence in an easterly direction alongthe centerline of' Seventh Street to the centerline of Fifth Avenue, East; thence in a northlerly direction along the centerline of fifth Avenue East for a distance of 83 f'eet;' thence in a vieqt(�rly direction 50 feet north and parallel to the north property line of 'Seventh Street to .the centerZin, of Third :venue East; thence in - sout1lizly direction :,long the centerline of Thil-rd `-venue East for a distance of 50 feet to the north property line of Seventh Street; the westerly nee in a we direction alon,,,; the north property line of Seventh Street for a dista,ce of 183 feet to the centerline of the alley between Third Avenue East -nd Second Avenue East; thence in a norti-terly direction alone:; the centerline of said alley for a dist-rice of ,aO foet; thence in a westerly direction 50 feet north of alid par- allel 'to the north property iii-le of Seventh Street to the centerline of the alley between Second -venue East and First �venue East; thence in a southerly direction "lon.; this centerline for a distance of 50 feet to tree north property lilie of Seventh Street; thence in a westerly direction .,,lonf.,- the north property line of Seventh Street to tile centerline of First 'venue East; thence ina northerly direction ,aong the centerline of Fix­st Avenue East for i-� distance of 50 feet; thence in -westerly direction 50 feet north of ,,nd parallel to the north property line of Seventh Street to the centerline of Main Street; thence in a southerly direction -Ion, the centerline of Main Street for a distance of 83 feet to the place of beginning. Section 2. Tha,t the ';ener­l character of the improveme-is to be made in surd pi,oposed Special Improver,,}ent District is as follows, to -wit: of' cement concrete sidewalk five feet in width, including excavation and fill etc. as needed. M Section 3. Iliat the cost of said improvemeTate is Section 4. That the entire cost and expense of such improvements including street and alloy intersections, shall be assessed a,-,ainst th entire district, each lot or parcel of land within such district Jo be assessed for -that part of tiie whole cost which its area bears to the area of theentire district exclusive of streetp, alleys and public places. Section 5. That said assessnent -,hall be paid for in five equal atlnuL,l installments hereby exte.ded over a periof of five yeaurs. Said assessment shall constitute a fund to be known as Special Improve- ment District 'Fund No. 221 Section 6. That said improve:­,,ier)ts shall be paid for in Special Improvement District Coupon Warrant* issued v�gainst said district in the sum of $100.00 each, beari A:,' interest at 6 per ce,-t. per annum from the date of 3."egistration until called for redemption or -paid, in full, interest pay -able -nnually on trio first day of -January of each year, pay-ble five years from d ate and redeemable at any time there are funds to the credit of such Improvement District Fund available therefor; the interest cOUPOY12 attached to such it,,aral6,'JItS to I)Qar the fac-oimile signatures of the 11-yor a,_d Clerk. Section 7. Th4_t on the 4th d,-,y of August 1924, at the Council Chambers in the City Hall cif the City �,,f KU iopell, Montana, at 7:30 OtclOclz P. H. a regular rmzetin ;, the City Council will he-.3:, 'and pass upon M111 protests that may be ia de gainst lthe making of such improve- ments 'or the creation 'of such district, J)roviding th,-,t said Protests are m,,:de ira writing acid are filed with the City Clerk on or befo"re fifte6ndays after thc 'd,.slte of the first publication of this noticd. Section 8. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give the proper notice I of thepassa_ge of this resolution by public,�,,tion ,and ma'ilin,,, �_,s required by law, such publication to be m:,do in the Kul i kp 611 Times a weelilY T1ewSP­,1)er published in the City of K,-,l "spell. Paooed JU1Y 7, 1924 Approved July, 1�24 is. E. Boorman, M%yor P. F. Holzknecht, City Clerk, 300 St—te of hlont,'.�na County of Flathead SS. City of Kalis-ell I, P. F. Holzknecht, Clerk of the City of Maispell Montl--na do hereby certify that the, fore-goinl- is a full, true and exact copy of a resolution passed by the City Council end appioved by the MaYOr of the City of KalisPell, Mont-na on the 7th day of July, 2.924. Witness my h�.,nd this gth day of July 1924. P. F City Clerk.