Resolution 1000 - Amends Special Lighting District 380
PE'SO'1111,ion to amend
Ego u I uti on a f in teht 7 on to cr("�"te S".e Cd,;d IT, uli'ove-'m cnt, Lightiq�
Distirct No. 38. to re-d s foa,-I-o�,vs.
'e C t 1 on i t can of 0i ',y Counc-'Ll r)jt'ao City
Ca_ T], i, 0 11 t 0 C r e a t 0 m P." ov e �,'i e n t T,:. , 11 tJ D,, S t T i 0 1;
'iv.. bai
r Li bting District N1,11
for thc" plu,'cae of' liahtin,-, tac, ClTy
TAISIML m follows, to.wit: ��2,
which io,
tho inOrnection of the Ailey 1.1-iii Strect
'Venue 1,,Iot 3,A -U-,e Center Line ut u.,ne Foui.,t:rj
t ; tr, , Iice
in .i, jirectlun alaqj the ovnluea ain�t tie e
the Center Tdnc Cx:".' t.;" behv,,,,.�en TT im gtreut £::.nd �'irqt
Avenuc 7e,w3d,; therice a n
cc'at -line
Of the Ue- bet?tmen 11'r:dn Strc--,,ot t ,,
d 'nc': ,"'f 16A/ t'ei-,t to a j)ajlt lir,,S on t,,-c Cent.erline
o 'he alley -lie 17"'Tain Street -e— a d
f t gn1 0
o,, ty line m Eighth Moot; t1junce in an
Aerly to otrc t
a (3 -L s t Net W"
,c of 390
A fify �
on nk
T,T�,,in St-reet, and First Avenue East, there , in LI, diy,ec'tion
tno c'atemlne of theA_T�y between INin Stre� Rl Krut
Avenue .o Centoirlino, t,f Tourtb ,tx�,ret m'I"ich
point of be_inning.
Tho -,y-otenm, wf lij"Qto be a 1, -no of 2§0
candlu Powar.
9. 3- Tl-j,,t tTLe c,'a,rncter o"t, tne irnproveelcnts to "be
nudo in s"id propmod opeoW,,rove',unt Td;_atia,: D_otrict iz
%W follows, to-o'it- .Ihc pro cu. ring, !"t.'ad erectirl.of post , wires,
1,xips nc', ' imit,bla ;md neceni.ry appli.aces, in, *m purpose
W, MAW": thooe P"rts of t]""'o
Of M MY Of ITWO011
Th_..t tU te estirnate of I'An,.,, co�,t of MhQ
imp,,,, ove-m�e ntc, to i)e
-.n,,., eij�-Lty ccntu) . na an te, (,,: it te tae co`a3 t t'
ma1.nt,ainin,,:: the MCM in the 1wopmed MOM and snpyin.,.-,
clactrical current therefor for the I'Li—st Yca'r snur,of
8170.40 (nne, In.undred, Seventy D(,�IIL,T'S ),nd,
"nd three-fourtM of tho coat Wall be azscowd againsL
property QM%Q'_'U v"i"birl tae dJotri,,t
s. 5- 7h.t on tln.e /1-th d Y oi' conncil
Cha-mbers, in. the (My !!Ql c0C thti � -_t �.-,,,even
thirty otelock P. M at a nq'cetin,,, tho ('%'6y ("Ouncil
will he.x 4nd pass noon, Ij- Ci1 that r,m*,y s.a :'n,de of' o-uch
ii-qxcovement 0t-Ale s`mil czl
& 6- WtVity Clerk 'i'o horeb-,,jjt_,'WViz(d ,nd
to -give the propev notice of the Pa�,,s, '-,e of thJ�.,, resuluti,)�.,,I by
publication mlu maili: imqWyed by ouch 'to be
nde in oNi," Ka].0nell TiTes, a vackly ncwspapw, inAlishod.
t1lis 30,,!)d ,, ol" .Tun
thi'z 30 "U,:r A' 7u-ne _P�,124,
"Io' .. I. F. 1, lzl,rieclit, City
City of Ma jvogj
h t-, C
'I , ,reby oc),�r,,tJiY Js r, t'ull tTlAe
,rid. om' ct, oopjT of' �.t L'e01-17ttoll -o' i:;.-crll by t'? y
of on t1le
(la-y 0 f Tu, o, 1924-
lk", i-h
)�Iy 011 Jvllv,