Resolution 0986 - Resolution of Intent - SID 211NM
NO. 211
Section 1. That it is t-r1le intention of the City Coizicil of
the City of Kalisp(,11 to create a spe(,i,,,,l improvement district, here-
by designated as Special ImPvoverl(Int District Ile. 211, and the boundar-
4es of sai4 proposed. special improvement district are hereby declared
to be as follows:
poiflA *hic�h iz ti,e of the cente-r-
IiTe of Semid avenue West vjitl,, the easterly and viesterly centerline
of f31ook 53 and 54 thence in a southerly airection 366 feet along the
centerline of Second lxenue West to its intersection with the easterly
of westerly centerline of Block 6V and 68, thence in an eastcTly
direction alon,, the centerline of _Block�q 67,66,65 and 64, 1284.2,-- feet;
thence in a nortiierly dii°eotion parallel to the;, centerline of Second
Avenue Eaot, for a distance of 149 feet; Uience in an easterly direction
paralle] tQ the centerline of Third Street for a dista-nce of 71.75
feet to the centerline of Second Svc niae East; thence in a noj,t,1xerjy dir-
ection along, the centerline I)f second Avenue Eti,t for a distance of
68 i'eet; ti-ience in a westerly diec!,jxn paraj.lei to the, centerline of
Third Street for a distance of 71.75 feet; therice in a northerly
direction :ft7 a aistance of 149 feet -which intexsects the easterly
and centerline of Block 57; therice in a direction
tile easterl-y and w(,stpxly cente-rlinp, of Blocks 57, 56, and
54 for a distance of 1284.2.115 to the centerline of Second Avenue West
which is tile point of beginning.,
Section 2. That t1he general character of tlie improver,,,.ents to be
made in said proposed 31pocial lmprovement District j,,, as follows,
to -wit: Grading and pavinlg of Third Street with a two inch %rarren.ite-
iiittzlitiiic surface on a 3 inch bit=iinous base or as seven inch
Reinforced concrete pavement on a Z:�ravel base, also tiie construction
oriecess_ry, catch-basij-j,,,, storjj_sejgerk�, rej)Firs, vrideninj of sidewalks,
corjotructinE` curbs, iieaders, etc., irom the oentea°lineof Second Avenue
'test �L,o tile centerline of SeoondAvenue East.
Section 3. That tjje cost, of said improveraent's is
Wa2ren`, 11-'e-,6itulithic mirface on bi.tluninous base 4? d
e i n fo r c e d c o n cr e t E! () n �I r,�_ tv b 1 b a, ,, e SxF21,817.25 �
Section 4. That the entire coot and expense of such im-
proveraents, including street twtad alley intersections, �hajl. be
assessed rya gainet the entire district, eacki lot or parcel Cf land
within such district to be ossessecl for brat part of the whole
cost which its area, to the area of the entire district
exclusive of streets, alleys and poCr)lic placez pro -,Tided 'ailA
each square foot of land embodied within any corner lot shall
bear dccAble, the. am(_)unt of tW-I carat of the Improvement done Upon
the street acljoinin,,,� saAd lot, t_,at a squo.,re foot of any inside
lot shall be,;tr.
Provided fu3A!ier, that any characte-r of the work proposed
to be done, lieretoftie done at the expense a'-,' the owner of any
lot or lots liavin_ previcuoly paid for said work, where t!--Lc,, Work
has beer, done upon the official g,rade aad in a mannea- and condition
satisfactozy to tl.te City Enginee:r, shall be excluded from tine cost
of the propooed worR and tje cost Of such excluded work shall not
be assessed against such of or lots.
Provided. further, that any lot, piece or parcel of land
belonging to the United States, or mandatory of the -bovermient 'enen
f`rontir�g upon the pz'oposed work or improvement or is Included
within the declsaed lay tile City. Colartcil in its resolution
of intention to be the districtto be asses,,3ed to P,ay the co)t
and expenses tuei,-oor" sli�ill be oraitted from the assessmerit there-
after, to bo a,,ade and the,, expense of caid work or improvenent
shall be paid by tiie Cityfrom its General Fund.
Section 5. That *aid asoes,,..'�mcnt sh-All be paid for in Ten
eqUU1 annua,I insballments 1-iereby extended over a period of Tell
years, Said aasessme�nt shall constitute a fund to be known as
Specizr4,3. District Fund No. 211.
Section 6. That said irriprovej,,ients shall be paid. for in
S-peclial Imlirovement District CoLipon Warrtuits isgued against said
district: in the swii of' '100.00 each, bearinr,:Interest at () per cent.
per annum from t..-e date of regIstration until called for rederap-
tioli o-ar puta in full, ir_teT��,zt poyable avo�tu.o,,Ily Orl tq.e, first d.,'3.Y
of January of' each year, --;aayable Ter, yoar; froryi date and redeemable
L:,t any time tilea."e fur,a(Is to tlie credit of w3uch Diot-
riot Fund tneref'Or; the illteloSt COUI)OYsS a,tt,,3,Ched to
such warrants to boar. the fac-simile signatures of the Mayor and
CI urk.
Sectial, 7. That On the 2nd day of furze 1024, at the Council
Chambers in the City H0,11 Of the City of Kalispell, ITontama, at
7:30 o'clock p. Mi.., -a rel,,,ular meetinq-, the City Council. will
hear and pass upon all protests that may be Yiade against the makikg
of such improverrients or thc- Creation of such district, providing
sa-id protests are nade in writAng within difteen days after the
first publication of -this notice.
Section 8. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed
'tO i.use tII( - proper notice of the, pass,,.:ge of this resolution
by publication and mailin,,Y
, as required. by law, ouch publication
to be ,made in the Kalispell Times a weekly, rwivspaper published
in the City of Kalispell.
Passed May 5th 1924.
Approved May 5th 1924.
A. E. Boorrian, Mayor.
P. F. Holzknecht. City Cie:Cz .
State of Ylontana
County of 1iathoad ss.
City of' Kalispell
I,P. 1'. Holzknecht, 102erk of the City of
lldlinjlell, Montana do hereby dertify that tlae fore�-Ioirzl is a
full,, trae and exact copy of resolution passed by tlie City
ncil and aPproved by the K1 ,yor of the City of Kalispell,
Mont,.ma, on the 8th day of April, 1,924.
Witness my hand this 18th day Apri1,1924
P. 11. t 1 mecht. City Clerk.