Resolution 0994 - SID 212m RES OLUT ION NO k-294 RESOLUTION CREATI.1.71 SPECIAL DISTRICT 1.70. 212. ,- CT 0 BE IT '11,EZOLVED BY ITY CC)UNCIL OF TIE I! T OF KALIS.' LL, TvT0,-,FT,."ski ... Section 1. That SL)ecial Trnpro,,,a.,ient, Distr`Lct 'No. 212 is h-ere,- by created for th4i purpose o-f inotalli .--(r an ei:,ht (8) inch se-wer in tkie alley of ."Blocks 10 and 11 Ori.,-Piwal l'arms ite City of Y-Llispell, M T ontana, startin, from 1),,,esent oewer in ivTont,,-),,qa Street 1.,,)ence runnin- North throw,h t,�� a,, ..I, lloys of' said Mocks, sald installation to Incl. Ade lanp-holes, TM.-,tn-holes, Flus!-L-t:mk;�, and ot'.ier aj,;-ourte.,iwaces. Section 2. That said district is created subject to all the terms andcondii.ion„ spccified in Resolution No. 93'7, entitled, "Resolution of Intention to create Sopec1r.L3. Tmpvovement Dist -riot No. 212,11adopted lloy 14-t'a, 1924., 1;lo which reference is hereby Yruide for ftrther pax-ticulars. Pa2sed June 2nd, 19'..A. Approved J'ane 2nd, 1924. A. E� Boorman, Vayor. P. 1'. HolzknecA, CJ,ty Cloric. State of 14ontam, County of' Fi�,thead ss, City of Kalispell I, P. P. Holzknoc-tit, Clerk of t.a3.e City of X-Ii,3pell, 11ontuna do h.ereby certify -Liat tje foregoin:1, is a full, true axed exact copy of a resola.ation paosed by tiie City Council and proved ap I . by tAe Mayor of' the City of' KL�Ajjs.-oco.j, Montano, on t-,-io 2nd day Alay, 1924. Witne,,�,-, my hand t1li9 3)d d,,a,y June, 1924- P. F