Resolution 0991 - SID 207mmmmfflldm�� 1i111SOLUTTON DISTRICT HO, 207 BE IT RESOL'VED BY TIE CITY COT,,qC!L 01' T112',' CITY OF TU_LISMLL, Section 1. That S,peoi,-Ll Diat-,Iaict No. 207 is he're- b,7 created fo the -purpo oe of gradin - and paving of the alley through, Block 56 witli eitlier a tylo inch Warrenite-Bitialithic surface on a three inch bittimino,,,is base or a seven :inch reinforced concrete pave,meylt on a gravel base and also tiic coylstruct.lon of necess.ary catcla basins, storin-zewers, repuirj, etc., said improvements to be i,.iade froia the south prol,:)erty line of' Second Street to the Xort.h Property line of Third Street, exceptin,z storm -sewers, sidewalk, repadrs, etc. Section 2. That sadd dist-rict is creeted subject 'to all the tea and condition* specified in Resolution No. 982, entitled "Resolution of Inte,�,.dcion to Create Spcci�al Improvemc­lt District Wo. 207,11 ado-lAed TV!,-ly 5th, -1-924, -T.o which iefereylca is hereby made for fijrtljcr :Particulars. 2nd Passed Juqe/1924 21,,id approve d June/1924 A. F. BooT:4ian, Mayor P. F. Holzimeclat, City Clprk. State of Montana County of Flathead SS. City of Kwl ispoll I, P. F. col zknecht, C111,rk of ulde City of Liliopell, Yontu.na do hereby certify � iat the foregoin_is a full-, true and exact copy of a resolution passed by the City Council approved by tile IIaZror of the City of Kalis-poll 11ont­1.,na, on the 2nd day TL:,,,,y, 1924. flit neass m ,k ind this rd day Jne,1.924. P./