Resolution 0981 - Call for Bids - Refund BondsRESOLUTION NO. 081 RESOLUTION CALLIWO FOR BIDS for the purpose of selling Refund bonds covering Special Improvement Districts :L56, 182, 196. XMTHMEFOEE , IT IS TMPLEBY RESOLVED: That in accordance with the authority so given to the City Council of the City 01, M-11- ispell Fl_the).d County, Montana, the said City Council of the City of K;,,lispell do issue either serial or as bonds in the aggregate Bum of Five Thousand Five hundred Dollars ($5,500.00); that in issuing said bonds, amortization bonds will be the first choice and serial bonds the second choice; that if amortization bonds are issued, said bonds rill be nwabered from one to eleven illclusive, Or the Par value of five Hundred Dollars (500.00) each, principal, and interest payable in forty equal amortized semi-annui,l pLYlnents, duc on the 15th d-y of June and 15th day of December in each year, the first 0,ayiflent being due December 1,5th, 1924, -nd the last being due June 1th, 1944; that if serial bonds be issued said bonds Yvill be in the denomination of Two Hund:r.,ed Seventy -Five Dollary ($275-00) numbered fromone to twenty inclusive the rawiber, denomination, r,tnddate of maturity of which �,re as follows, -to-wit: Mv,,ber Denoraination Date of Maturity 1 $27!.00 December 15th. 1924 2 $275100 December 15th. 1925 3 $275.00 December 15th. 1926 4 $275-00 December. 15th. 1927 5 iP275.00 December 15th. 1928 6 $275.00 December 15th.. 1929 7 275-00 December 15th. 1930 8 $275-00 December l5th. 1931 9 '�275 - 00 December 15th. 1932 10 $275-00 December 15th. 1933 11 $275-00 December 151,h. 1934 12 $275-00 December 15th, 1935 13 275-00 December l5th. 1996 14 $275-00 December 15th. 1937 lm $275.00 December 15th. 1938 16 $275.00 December 15th. 1939 17 $275-00 December 15th. 1940 llui�ber Denomination Date of IpTaturity 18 Decembei- 15th. 1941 19 $2715-00 December 15th. 1942 20 $275-00 December l5th. 1943 That said bonds whether amortizzition bonds or sera �_I bonds shall bear interest at the r_�te of five per cent per annum, paye,ble semi-unarjually, payz-,tble on the 15th stay of'Deeember and the 15th d,,y of June in each year and will 'be redeemable in full the Ijth day of December, 1933, or at Uny interest payinL,, &cIte there- after; that said bonds will bear the d,%tte of December 15th, 1923; that such 'bonds shall be issued for the pur-,pose of re-ixTibursin�rZ the property owners of the City of Kalispell for asue*=ients paid and for the PUr011a$e Of all 0,.ItStLLnding warrants in Speoi�,Ll Improve)-.ilent Districts Nos 1"6-182-196 which infere created foxu the purpose of ex- tendin1-,- the Muin3 of the City of Kalispell, lfontana; that the � said notices for the sine of ouch bonds shall. be in full form, to -wit; Passed April 28th, 1924. Approved April 28th, 1924. A. E. BoorrianMayor ATD,'ST P. F. Holzknecht-. City Clerk. State of Montana County of Flat_iead S3. City of Kwlispell 1, P. F. Holzknecht, Clerk of the, City of Kalispell, Montana do hereby certify thot the foref-oin,­ is a fu7.1, true and copy of u resolution 1),,ssed by the City Council and. pp oared 'by the Mayor of t-he City of Mont­_na, on the St: d,,.f,y of Rpril, 1924. I,Vit-nnso my h-_,nd tliis l8th d,,�y AIlril, 1924. P. I liolzk4,at, City Clerk.