Resolution 0985 - Resolution of Intent - SID 210m EESOLU111ioN NO. KESOLUTION OF INI'l-'NTION TO CEEATE SPECIAL ITfPT,'ML17URMIT I)ISTRICT BE TT YMOLVEM BY TCITY 0013NCIL 01' TH.,] CITY OF K`JJS�PIML, 1T0NTJ'JNT,A,: Section 1. That it is, t_rze intention of tne City Council of the city of M1,1'31,�e'll to CT.eate sixecial imiprov(,T,,�ent distriol", boreby designated az Special Lciprovem.ent District No. 220, and the boun"dar'ies of said proposed. Special imp�rove.mjent districl, �.,tre liereby decl,.re6 to be as follows: Connuencir-1 at a point vdiich, is Lke intersection of the, cerit(--..vline of First Avenue Eaf3t with the easterly uad Nucsterly linc thrau�h tic x-ytiddle of Blucks, 36 ;md 37 Original Tovvnslte�, Kalispell, Uorltarm; thence in a oouthe.rly direol.,.on ulon,,, said cent,erlizie 366 t(_ret to itz intersection with a line t!)e easterly and vvestE,,rly line throu,g,h tlie middle of Blocks 44 and 4Ori,,JmUl Townsito; thence in a -vjestei�ly direction 385 feet tzie line which is trke middlo of Block 45 to its intersection w_-J,!,-x-,. the centoiline of Al —in Street; thence in a nort4e"IY direction 366 feet along the cemterline of Main Street to its intersection witlb t1le, f,,exterly and liz-e easterly direc,ion, 385 feet through t1he middle of Block 36 Original Totrnsite to tlie centerline of First Aven:.2e East which i'q tr)c point of beginning. Section 2. That the genor,,,I character of the improvernents to be made in said proj)osed Special In.proversleylt Diztrict is as follows, to -wit: grading and paviiig of First Street with a two inch Warrenite-Bitulithic ourface on a, three in.oh bitui-iiincus base or a seven inch Reinforced concrete pavement on a, Zravel 'base, from irst Avenue East to Main Street and tare cocas triAction of necessary catch -basins, storm -sewers, of sidewalks, concrete curbing, restii,B, etc., Section 3. That the approximate cost of said i7aprovenents is T,L,'a.rreni-btI,-Bj.tulithic surface on bituminous base $5,040.(5, Rein- , -reed P-onciete on. gra-veal. base $5,o4o.75. Section 4. That the entire cost and expense of such improve - rents, inclildin,,, street and r-Oley izitersections, shall be assessed againr,t the entiz°e district, each lot or parcel of land within such dintrict to be assessed for tliat par-t of the whole cost v,hicb its area bears to tzie area of the entire district exclusive ofstreets, alloys Laid public places provided thA each square foot of land embodied within any corne-- lot shall beax double the wnount of the cost of tne improvement done upon th( street adjoining said lot, that a, square foot of any inside lot shall be,,jr. Provided furtite-r, toat e,�ny character of the work proposed to bedone, heretofore done -A the expense of tlie 'ovner or any *lot or lots havin-1, previously paid for sa:id work, Vhei,e tiAe work has been donupon toe ofTicial gT-,i6e ia 2, and condition satisfactory to ti)e City Ent.),neer, shall. be exeltided from the cost of the proposed wo3-k an(I tje, cost of such excluded works shall not be assessed ..mains", 011.011 lot or lots. Section, 5. That si&d assessnent shttll be paid for in Ten equal annual instalLnents hereby extended over a period of Ten years. Said. assessnent- shall conotitute z! fund to be knoi,,rr). as Special ImDrovenient District Fund No. 210. Section 6. Th,,-A said imjI%rovericnts shall bepaid for in Special Improveme,,A District Coupon Yh-arrzintS issued z,,9,-Lin,;t said district in tije simi of $100.00 each, bearin.- interest at 6 per cent. per annum from the date of' registration until called for redemption or ptiein full, interest Payable annually on thc fir:�t day of January of each year, payable 'Zen yenpq from date and redeomable at any time tilere are funds to the cred-it of such Improvement District Fund availa.ble therefor; the interest coupons attached to 911ch warrants to bear tlie fac-simile signatures of tj-ie Ilayor and Clerk. Isectioy, 7. That on the 2nd. day of Jure 1924, at the Council Chwn- bers in, tiie City Hull of the City of Kali�spell, Vontane-, e-t 7:30 o'clock p. ip., a regular meetin---, t,,ie City Council i,,viand pass il hear c upon all y,'.)rotests that may be mode ugrainst the makii,.iL; of such im- provements Or the creation of such district., pi.�ovidin,,,I, said protests are madein vjritii� within f ifteen days after the first publica Lion of Section 8. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and dAirected to give the proper notice of the pas,2aE-,re of this resolution by publication and nailin,,- -as required by law, such rm'blication to be made in the Kalispell Times a weekly newspaper pulblished in tiie City of' Kalispell. Passed M,,Ny 5th 1924 Approved May 5th 1924 A. E. Boorman, Wayor. P. 1'. Holzkneclkt. City Clerk. State of Montam, County of FlatnQad :33. City of Kalispell I, P. F. Holzknecht, Clerk of' the City; of M,lispell, Mox-itan- do hf.,reby cortify that th,,e foregoing- is a full-, true and f-,xact copy of a resolution pas%ed by theCity Council and approved by twee Mayor of the City of Xulispell, Montana, on tie Sth day of April, 1.924. Witness my hand this 1.6th day April,1924