Resolution 0983 - Resolution of Intent - SID 208RESOLUTION NO. ' RESOLUTION OF "0 GRE-M" ST'EC11iL DEPROVEDENT DISTRICT M !I 7�,BSOLVED, BY T"n", CI'PY COUIXIL OF Taal CITY of K-.LTEPCML, 11011T�JTA: Section 1. ThI ,t it is t�w intention of the City Council of the City of K,.iispell to ,:, -,-rjecial improvaraent dist'rict, aereby desi-nated Specii-I Improvement Diet:rict -110. 20B, -nd the bUn a da,ries of .raid propooed ,jpeol,-a,I, improvement district are hereby decl,�:.red to be S folloWS: �t - point which is t.k).c intersection of the center - of Firzt , Venue lue�t wiA;,q the ,ari westerly centerlL:ie of Bloolc 54 -,nG- 55; thence in a Soutilerly direction 366 feet along the ceWlerline of Firet Avenue Nest tcits intersoation with the easterly and westerly centerline of Block 66 r_Lnd 6"; t.aunce in -n U� nearly direc-titan ajon,; Qj,ceniTerjhje of 131ock 66, 65 and 64., 1071-25, feet; tl-t(nce in ,-), northerly d-l-rstatics p-rX11,ol to t-fie center- line of Second Avenue E-st far .,, dist,�nce of 149 feet; thence in -n e,Asterly direction p.rl�J.el to the centerlim,, of Third Street for ra dist<< nce of 71.75 feet to Lhe centerline of 'Second ?.venue B-st; thence in a nortiaerly direction alon.-,, Mae ceIterline of Secona ':venue '-r,,,st for a distance of 68 feet; thence in a westerly directlion par'll'al to the centarline of Third Street -for a, diotzwce of '?1,75 feet; thence in ,,. noTtherly direction to the centex line of Second A-venw, E for Of 149 feet which inteTasecta, tne ee,sterlY -nd �,�resLerly centcrline of Block 57; thenoe in westerly direction the e,asterly -nd Westerly centerlizle of' Blocks; �,7, 5-6 and 55 coatimlin�westerly to tile M Sect on 2. mat the oh_,,r_icter of the improvemcrits, to 'be in<,,de in said proposed Speciul Ixnprovez,ient District is as follows, to -wit. Gr,Ai_-a-- ux,nd 1) xin« of "L'hird Street mitt i a two inch Vkarrenite- BiValithic surf,ce on a, 3"bitwkiiaou3 Vse or �evea inch rtinforced concrete on - gravel base j,nd Aso the construc-Lion of necess,,,,xy catch- b_sias, storm -sewers, repairs, viideninof sidewalke, construe"in.- curbs, headers, etc®, fron the conterline of First Avenue West to the Centerline c)f SecondAvenue E;nst. Section 3. Th;_t the upproximate cost of said improvements -is Wurrenite-Bitulithic on bituminous b,�se $15,343.25., Reinforced concrete on base $15,343-25. Section 4. That the. entire cost _und expense of' such im1provements, includin'street _4 _11ey intersections, sh:.,ll be _ssessed the entire district, each lot-, or p4rcel of 1_,nd within such district to be _ssessed for that p,,",rt of the whole cost which ito be,,,rs to the _re- of the entire district exclusive of streets, alleys -nd public pl�,ces provA.ded th,It e.,ch squ..re foot of 'Lndl embo(Ued within uny corner lot siia,ll bear double the -mount of the cost Of the improvement done ix,)on the street ',djoinii,'I, -1;�,'id lot, that _,, sqta�,re foot of any inside lot shall bc,Lr. Provided fuitner, tiiat .�,ny cl,,,rtcter of the wreak proposed to be done, heretofore done A tuo expensc of ti:ie owner of -,ny lot Or lots h­vin_� previously pa,d fv,ior o'Lid work, nere tie work n has been doe upon I the official grade -,w,,din u m"nne-r --fd cojjoi,E,jon satist%-.1ctory to 'the City Enl-ineer, shw_11 be, excluded from the cost of the proposed work and the cost of' such excluded work shaill not be c,,e,.,,aged aainst such lot or lots. Provided furt_,ier, that ,.,ny lot, piece or -parcel of land beloil,-,ing ,to the UnLted States, or raI,_nd.,_ttQry of tki,": _;-,,overYY-,,nent when frontin,,., upon the proposed work or improvement or is included the disti.°ict declared by tie City Council in its resolution of intention to 'be the district to be _sqe;,sed to p,,.iy tine cost -nd expensew tldcreof shall be omitted from the ,,,s;_,,essment t_,.,,crefter to be made And the by exp&:n,se of s;Ad. work or improvement shall be pu,ij/the City from its Gener,l Fund. section 5. TA -A said shall be ,,),Jr,I for in Ten equ:-,l annu-_'Ll inst:'A'I'ment's hereby extended, over u Period of Ten years. S-Ad asgess,ment ghall constitute 4a fund to be kmown Speci"',l Ira�prove- ment District Fund No. 208. section 6. That said improvei-ao�jts ,31vall be paid for in Ilapl°oveIUent 'Di strict Coupon Warrants inssued �-,gx,inst ,s;aid district in t-rie smi of %1A,00 e.,oh, bearin., interest -A is per cei-it. per anmun from t,ue dwAe of retgistercet ion until culled for redemption or p,id in fLOA0 interest 1),_qabie annually on the first d-y of Janu�xy of each yenr, payc,ble Ten years fron date redeemable _t any there a,re funds to the credit of such lmprove,me,it District lFund t-Ierefor; tile in erect c6upono attached to such wIrrPa),nt-s to bear the fac-simile of tile 11-yor a_d Clerk. Section 7. That on the 2nd day of June 1924, at tne Council Cha,ziberu in the City H_11 of the City of Kelispeil, TvIontana, at 7:3U o'clock P. M. mec tin 1, the City Council will hear and PUSS 1,11)On U11 :PI'OteStS that in.,y be _m de aZainst the m-kin : of such i'mprovemen-its or tone of such district., providing s,Aid pro testa �_,rc m do in writin.. within fifteen d,-,,,ys after the fi--st public,Aion of this, notice. Section B. The City Clerk is hereby �uthorized and directed I.-o give the proper notice of t'-,Ie ple of this resol- ut-ion by publication :�,nd mAli-n , a.is retjuired by 1_liw, such publication to be made in tz_ic K.,liopejjL Times 4 weekly nowsp.,ziper published in tie City of Kalispell. Passed ht-Y nth 19241. ,',Ipproved ILLY 5th 1924 . E. Boormun, Vyox p. J,. JioIzknecInt. City Clerk, State of Uont,_na County of Flat'ae;,!.d 5. City of K<_Ilispell 1, P. F. Holzkneclit, Cluck oi the City of K,,lio,pell, Mont,--.-,.,, do hereby certify that t-he fox-egoin - is a j,j,j,,j, tl,ue ;a exact Copy of - resolution p,,,,sse(3 by t-Lie City Council and approved by tIe Mayor of Ull-' City Of KLL11SPell, on tac 8th day o' 1924® lffitajess my hand this 18th &-ty ,pril, 1924.