Resolution 0982 - Resolution of Intent - SID 207RESOLU'_2101T NO.282 RESOLUTION CF ION TO CREAT.i� MPRCI,'_L ITAPIIHOVELUP�TIIT DISTRICT NO. 207 BE IT 1,,LMLVED BY T:L2, CITY COIJ11CIL OFF Mf,' CITY OF YUMISPELL, TVIONTA-,,vA - Section 1. That it is t%te intention of then City Council of the City of Kalispell to ere._j,te u Spe0i,-Ll improvement district, hereby desiGnated Special Iuvprave{nent District No, 20'j, ,.nd the boikn&,ries of sl-,,id Proposed sl?ecial improvement district are hereby to be ._,s follows: Begin nin,,�,- 1,t tae intersection of tac centerline of First Avenue T,,u,Lst mdth tine centerline of Second 13treet; thence running in a southerly direction lanx file centerli,,e of First Avenue East to its intersection with 'the centerline of Third Street; thence in -a westerly d:Lection :aIoiig the centerline of Third Street to its intersection with the cente:r.,liie of igain Street; t'zience in o, nort.'rierly direction _10n,, t.ie centerline, of Maix) Street to its inters�ection with the centerline of Second Strest; tj-.Lcjjce in tin easterly direction .-Ioniz the centerline of' second Street to its intersection with, the Centerline of First Avenue East which is tile -place of be, inning. The above desc:cibed boundaTies includinall of Block r)O ori,inll Townsite, Y,:,lispell, Montan-a. Section 2. That the �,-Ieneral char�-Icter of tine improvements to be made in said proposed Special District is follo-we, to -wit: Gradin2,� ,nd pavinL,, of the �.jlley through Block 56 -,,iith either Vao inch 'W;..Zrrenit-e _.3j4-Ulj+,,iic on rw three inch bituminous b,,s(,, or a seyon inch reinforced concrete p,uvement on ,-, 8y12:,,,vel base s Crud also the construction of riecesL�ary catch basins, storm,ewers, repairs, etc. , maid improvements to be made from the south property line of, Secoild street to tine north property line of Third Street, C,Kceptia�� storm, _sejvr,,rs, sidew;_,,lk, rept,irs, etc. section 3. Th�,t thee, �,q)proxinate cost of said improvements is daxrenite-BitulJ thic Surface on a bitirminous bose 4)2060.45, Seven inch reinforced concrete on L, gravel buse 20616.47 r'ection 4­ Tay;_ t the enti-I-e, cost ,),rd exponsc of z-:,jjcjj improve-ments, includin-, strcet �,.nd a2ley intersections, sh�,11 be as,;)e,sSed against the entire district, eLjcjj lot or g-rcol of 1,Lnd wiLhin such district to be assessed for -bj:,L,t p-rt of 't',.e whole cost VIhich its erect be=,rs to the area of' the eyji,iro district excluxive of streets, alleys and public pL�Ices Section 5. That Said ��;oc,-McMt sh-11 be p-id in five equ.-A annual inst-11ments hey,eby extended over � period of five ye.6rs. 3o3,id z,,�,soessmont shell. constitute - fund to 'be knoym -,z Speoiul Improve-ruient District Fund No. 207. Section 6. That s-J-d improvement-, sh.,,,Il be paid for a Special Improve,,tient District Coupon I.V,-.rr4,nts issued -g-root said district in the sum of $100.00 each, be -tip in. interest Wt 6 per cent, 'per :,.arum froip the &.,te of re.-istration until called for redemption or p�,id in full, interest p-,yable annu-Ily an tine first dwLy of J-nu xy of Pach ye-Lr, _oa,y-ble five years from date >ad redeem-,�ble -t any time there are funds to the credit of such Improvement District Fund -vailable ties .refor; the interest coupons itt,4ched to such warr"zits to bear the fac-simile si� gn,,LLures of the Mayor and Clerk. Section 7. Th,.Ut on the 2nd day of June 1924, at the Council Chambers in the City H-11 of the, City of Kaliopell, Mo-It-o-ia, nt 7:30 O'clock P. M-, .a- reguL.r raectin,-j,, the City Council viill hear -nd U pusu upon A,,11 protests that m-y be -made age ,inst the nakin_, of such improvements or the creation of such district, providin.--l- said protests are m,j,,de in writin-within fifteen d,,.,,ys ,.,�Xter t1le first publicitition of this notice. Section 8. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to the proper notice of the p-qsa,$e of this resolution by public-,tion ;.vnd mail in; eks required by I-w, such publication to be --j--de in the K-lispell Times a -weekly new,,,paper published in tile City of KIispell. P-ssed M-y 5th 1924 Approved TA.,y 5th 1924ti A. E. Boormai 11,yor F. F. Holzknecht, City Clerk. State of 1lontun7 ,, County Of Flatl-iead (SS. City of K�,lispell ) 1, P. F. Holzkneolit, Clerk of the City Of Klispell, IvIont;..n.. do hereby Certify t-ALA t'° , foregoin-,--., is, full, true exact copy of 'a rO-301ution pas,5,ad by the City Council ap , City of Kdispell, _proved by the IT—yc)r of the oil the, 8th d-ly of April, 1924. Witness any haaid this 18th dc�y April, 1924. P. F. Hot7knecht, City Clerk.