Resolution 959 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 16RESOLUTION NO.959.
A P24SOLUTIGIN7 estimating the cost of lighting Special Lighting
District No. SIXTXEN of the City of Kalispell, for the
year 1923, and levying and auseusirg all property within the said
district with the cost of lighting the said district.
Section 1. The cost of lighting Special Lighting District
No. SIXTEEN of the City of Kalispell for the year 1923,
is estimated to see $ 388.20.
Section 2. A tax is hereby levied and assessed upon all the
property in the said lighting district for the amount of the esti-
mated coot of lighting the streets therein by apportioning to the
several lots and parcels of lard within the said district, to -wit:
(Refererce is hereby made to the original resolution or Pile and
of record in the cf1ice of the Cityoelerk for a specific descrip-
tion of the property embraced ir, the above -mentioned resolution.
Sectior 3. The tax hereby levied become delinquent at six
otclock p.m. or. the 30th day of jovember, 1923.
6ection 4. Reference is hereby made to the xesolutior of
Intention to create lighting district No. SIXTEEN for
further particulars.
Introduced September 26th, 1923, and set for hearing
October lst, 19235.
Attest: A. G. SWANEY, City Clerk. E. 3001,04L0,Mayor.
Adopted this Ist day of October, 1923.,
A pproved this let day of October, 1923.
Attest: A. G. SVIAWRY, City Clerk it. I E. BOORIZAIT, Nayor.
State of Mortara (
County of Flathead) Be.
City of,Kausp�ell (
1, A. G. OWATTEY, Clerk of the City of Kalispell,
121ontana, do hereby certify that the fcregoirg is a Pull true and
exact copy of a reoolution pasoed by tiie UityL)uouncil and approged
by the i.iayor on the lot day of October, 1923.
�jitness my hard this 15th day f b 0 1.923.
SlwjMY, City - rk.
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