Resolution 960 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 20m HT'SaMYTI 0" astinuAinG the cost of lic Jmtir4.r, i, I , ti a I Igh ma Diotriot ITe,* TWENTY o:r the city of rall-spollt fcr the yeam 192.'5, and levying and assempair f-.> all proparty within L'I'm C, aid dis- trict with t1to cont cf the IQIJ J �4 4,11C) 11 0 �, Jmctior. 10 The cc QX lij,�;htirG eclat Dietrict No. TWEITTY ol` t4e City of I'Alispall for the year 192Z is ostlMutad to be 0126.00- Section a�, P, t= is I'mraby ievied and asoecood upon all the property Ir, V-4o Omid district for *,to amount of the oBti- mated co of lightir,(� the, stm7,,ts therein bar to the sovora,, loote and parcole of lw.d within the said-:'Aistrict, teams it (Reference to Iftereby made to tho original remolutior, or. file ard of record. in the office of the City Glerk of the Olty of A, Y lispell for su specific dom.,riptior- of thQ j3rOpOY.'tY the abcvccntic nod resoltition. ) 4'* -Um tax lioveby ievied beconiies delinquent at six o'clock p..u*, ""Toveriber 30tli, 1923. oectior. 4. ia lioreby made to tj),a Resolution of Interttar. to CrOStO liChting, district 73oo 'I'VIENTY for further PI�Irtieul=s. lot, Irtroduced OPUTIbOr LOth# 19 23, cmd set f or laeurjrg 0ct6i�er City Cleric. , , :'. B' AC,ATI, 'L',EWor. 4 11 11 State of 7",ontcmv. County of 09* C i ty of 1:4 # 1, of tije City of j,,ajjGpejj* Voy,V;.ra, do Inar.eb1y crtify tl�ut t1le ful,14true d emict copy of a m,olution passed by t1jo City 00=011 =d approved bY thO 3,`,IWOr Or- LkIO tut daOf d,,�Otdber* Witness i,,�W hnmd Wils 15t]'I 4MY Pe 11323.