Resolution 957 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 14A IU,, GILLYTION astlyaaUnc, the or rrt of 1,1ghting 14rlatine; l "D iatrict NO.* FOURTEEN of the City of '117:ali spell, for the year 192Z.# und levyir. w,.d 49sessirt; all proyorty within the said district wiUA the Coat Zi lit,Ihtlrlg Lhe said distriat. B I Y v luuJI ��, L'Y CITY 60U%11, Gl,' T'114',, Gootion 1. The coat of lighting, UgdxtirZ.. 'Di striot I Z30, FOU=IT of tha City of Eallopell for 'the year 1!P23 is 08tiln-tGd tO bO "',414.00. -ection 2, A tax 16 hOrObY 1OViOd are 40008sed upor all tme property in the said lighting district to the amount of the eatl- "I MatOd 000t of lightir4,r tkaa St Brat thorair. by ap, POrUO.1r4-S t t .0 hQ severa- lots zwd P"'rOO10 Of 1=d Within the said diatrlct* to*-Tlit; Is hareL3y made to the Origirm,1 resolutior. or file and of record ir. Line effico of the city Clork ror a Opecific deserip. tior proporty em'orace(j in the above -me , r. r-,od , I t r tio re-0 ti Is "'Oetion Zo The tax lv,?raby le'viod,beceriero dalinquart at a1z O'Clock on tzie zotia aay or ncvembar# :L9,,z# 4* 4,,.Ofererce Is har6by mado to the R03clutior. of Intention tO 40,T0,AS llf,htir% dlOtriOt TOT 2OURTEEN fuVt1le,r Particulars* Introfteed "Optamber 26thj 1923, and not for homving Gotdber Itit, 1912,15* Meat'. A. G. T,[,TY,* City Oierl�. A. I,'.* DOOME4,ZT, Layor. �WOPW th,18 t"R 13t daV Of October, lm,23. pprcved this the Ist day of Octojor, 1923. 4 ayor., 6141-J,KAO4* City Clark* ty of se. !,%Iispall 1, A. G, Uoft of the fAty of Yallspall, o w gorer rtarm, �Io I reby certif'y vj,,,1t t, -he �,olnfz is a fuli 'true and 07fzCt OOPY 01' " reSQlutior. paused by the it Goun,011 =4 appVoVed by the 14zyor or. Uie lot (I.&V oj(✓Otobc-,T* 1023, Witmas my hund u2is jbtij (Itay. U t 1923. CA ty ' ork,