Resolution 956 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 13.W"'; .,, WA ,, NQ* 956. it 'I'VEMOL'IT10" Oatimating Lhe cost oC 11�;htlne 13pocial !4jYAUk,,e District `Ic.THIRTEHN of tlw- city of Yzliopell for the Wec,,r 192Z, �,uul levylzg. md az000mlng all property Uzi thir. the said din� ',raid with the Coot of llfihtlthe said dlo-tvlot* BY ",]MR ' QITY COUll"IM 01� cl".1Y ,�>oction 1, The cost of lich.tir4T, 2peolal L4ghtir.0 District NoV, THIRTEEN Of the City of I'allispell for tho yo,-r IV23 is e9tinmted to ),,a 450.00. 300tior- 2* A tax is hereby levied and ass ezaed upon all the property ir. the nald lightire, district for the vnetwt of the esttmatoa Coot of Vne street; =—d avermen, ther, by aPPOrUOTAM, tO the BeWrttl 1OVS and parcels of land mdthir. tbc ouid diotriat, as Zoliclys,, 4o vittl (Referonce ir, hereby mdo to the or00 f the l,e,�nal resolutior. or. file =d of record jr the (�j �r i c City Clerk for a npep4flo description of tho property ma�raood Ir the above-mortiored resclutior.,) Umetion ,Thee tax- 11iereby levied boacmem dolirquebt at six O'clock p*m., or. the 30th day Of !Tovembert 3eation 40 7efetmr.,ac jr� made to the 0-�clutior of Inton.,,t1or to, Create 11,-htin(S di9trict "C'THIRMEN for further P,j,rtloularo. introducad Uepta-riser ti, ID2Z, and set for heurlctober Isto iq-,u. Attostk* SIWIZC-�,y# City Cjejk Y, A 7'aynr. AdOPU,ld thio lot day of Go"k,.obor* ln,23, -PPWOVE)d thiS 10t day cf October, JD:g�,, stu-W of 11ortaru County of SS* City or "I""di Is III Clerk Of the Citg Of Kalispell, !"osit ana, do lierei)y certify timA t1te fore f,,airi; is ct full, tree vdd exact OOPY of a remolutior pao8nd by the City Coulcil ar.4 approved b,o� the 1�ayor or. the Ist day, of October, 10,23* ,71tr-eon i,,iy hard thlo 15th day og er,