Resolution 964 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 29w
ii '1,1u;xmvm1'2wT estlmatln€� the cost of Z3'pecial Dis-
triot !!o, TWENTY NINE Cf tlae city of :"MIASP011# for the year
1923, and levying m,.d aaoes3ing all prorePty wlthlrs LhO is dis-
trIct wit'll the 00-at of the 0041d aletrict#
3uctlon' 1. '1110 coat OX lial"ItAr.6 3P,001"'I Li,D1triot
No* TWENTY NINE of t1ae City of Kalb pell for tho year 1923 is
e�r'tlzrated 90.00.
Sectlor., 23., A Um jo klareby levjecj� cw.,tj assessed u�)or. all t1le
property In the suld 11glitir4r, district for the m�jotjr4 of tlt�o �Jstj,
muted cost of U10 streats U'vaxeln by apportioning to the
savor",-, lots =d pureals of Inu d with the district, to -A
(Aefe:rerwe is hexwq ma �ia to the orIt,,Jnaa raeolutior. or. file wid
o,f roaard In the oft1i��e� of the uitv Clark Z011 a specifto deocrip-
tior of Vlhme, property eymbraao6 it the aUcV0!,er1t1or.0d recol wtion*)
",eCtiOr, 3* 1110 taX her0by levied b000nee dollquant on Ike
30th da-y of '�cvmmbert
Sootion 4, ",'OfOrerce 10, horoby mm-de to the liomojutjor, of
lntentio# tc caeuto 11j;!-,t1rG district 130*DVENTY NINE far ftirviior
Irt,rod'ac"I 'Ueptebber 26th* 11.12% ard Get for hearingp s,Iotobor
T. o.
-r,dopted this the 2,0t day nt Qotojyer# 19,,3
Appwoyed this Uie lot day (�r ,r, 19923o
Clt.y Clerl�.
at�Ae Of
County of so*,
ulty ('i' Kal.ispo3'1 (
ill G, Clerk of the Uity Of 11aliepoll'
"Vntarm, do hereby certify t�qf,�t tmaforurvirc in a full, true k'md
oorrect copy of a MDOIUtIM passed by �ha CIY Coimell =,d
approved by the or. .he 3,st aay of Cr" 0toller, I
'ZI I tr -ass my hw-d thia Latta slay of