Resolution 965 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 30%A11,3011U1,110"11 170.966. the co,,,it ,-f Special Ligl'Aing tract '3o* THIRTY of tho Laity Of zeal lapell 1,0V the jear 1%2;5 1OVy1rg w.d aOueaa1r4,, all property within t1w said d1strIct with tho ccut 01, lic,"hUr.6, the 4aid diqtrt* I', 1ly 0111N C1`,,VY CCU7CIL 0"' V,'Ll' GI 13,60tJor 1. Thn Coat of lightirg upoolal i¢if'ay ,htlna -niotwlot THIRTY of the Uity, of Ealiupell tor the year 1923 Is entl7nated to be Z1)104.30. Seotior. 2* A tax hereby la and anvessed upon all the property Ir the eald jjght,1*-, dlotriot for the twount Od the estl#. fz'icAed coot of the streeta 0rein by apportiorint,, to the ;tit- 0 zod pa:K10010 of 1=d within tlto suld distrilot* tt; (Reforence lt,3 hereby )7,i%,d,o tQ th:� rosOlut4cr. On :Vile and of rOcOrd In thO cifOO Of V10 MtY Clerk for a speolfic do'soription of °,he property arnbraced In tho above -mentioned resolution.) ".100tior 3, 'The tux hare by levied becomes del- jnq�jent at six Oolouk pora., or. Povwlber &A4%, I ,;octioz 4. zAforence Is hereby made to the B000lutler, of Intention to orenta 11chUng, district 1`70o THIRTY 1. 0 30 furt'llor Partion'Llax".1, Tntxrdut�ed ',cptmuber 26th, 1923, cwd set for hearing October lot,, 10203$ at 74*:30 OC1001, P*1,1,, i', 1y* ,Atevti It, G, City Cjerl,* JWOPtOdthia the-Lo't day at' O;ctobar, lq":')3* AP. ,,�Mved this the lot -11ay of October, 1923. Yo City 101 orl"O ccur.ty af Ono fa -,f Ore'r tMe and tanu, do here�by certify W14A thwe, Va* : 10 a f exact oopy o:V a razolutior. paosed by zhe Gl%r Council Lwd approved by tho X"A, r orthe rest -VOotbar, 1023* Witness my hmd ULis 10th day of Octobe . V2,'!',,* A. GVMY, Oj tVy 0: