Resolution 966 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 31RESOLUTION NO. 966 A RESOLUTION estimating the cost of lighting Special Lighting District No -THIRTY ONE Of the City of Kalispell for the year 1923 and le -vying and asseesi#g all property within the said dif,,trict with the Go,,-,t of li6htirg Me said district. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIM CITY OF KALISPFI;L: Section 1. The cost cf lightirg Special Lighting District No. THIRTY ONE of the City of Kalispeli for the year 1923 is estimated to be 0115.70. Section 2. A tax is hereby levied and assessed upbr. all pro- perty in the said lighting district for the amount ofthe estimated cost of liGhting the streets therein by apportioning to the several lots and parcels ff land within the said district, to -wit: (Reference is hereby made to the original resolution or file and of, record in the office of the City Clerk for a specific description of the property embraced in the foregoing resolution.) Section 3. The tax here -by levied becomes delinquert or- the 30th day of November, 1923. bectior 4. Iliefererce is hereby made to the Resolutior. of Intention to create lighting district No. 121IIRTY O,�,,E for further particulars. Introduced September 26th, 3.923, and set for hearing October let, 1923, at 7.30 otclock p.m. Attest: A. G. SVI,°yEiy, City Cleric. A. E. BQOUWT, Mayor. jidopted this the let day of October, 1923. Approved this the lst day of October, 1923. Attest: A. G. SWANEY, City Clerk. A. E. B001MAN, Mayor. State of 11ortara ( County of Flathead) se. City of Kalispell ( 1, A. G. SWANEY, Clerk of the city of zalispeli, 1;10nta,ra, do hereby certify that the foregoirg is a fuii, true and exact copy of the resOlutior passed 'by the City Council on the lot day Of October, 1928, and approved by the 14ayor. Witness MY hard this 15th day of October I A. G, WAN HY, City Cler