Resolution 0975 - Resolution of Intent - SID 205MI RESOLUTION NO. 975 RESOLTION OF TNTTNT ION TO CREATEE �3,PECIAI 11,TPROVEMANT DIS71RICT 210, 205a BE IT RESOLVED 13Y THE' CITY COMIC11' OF T117 CITY OF KAIJSVr4,LL, 2V10NTkrA' Section 1. That it is the intention of the Cjt;r Coun�.il of the City of Lalispell to create a spetial improvement, district, hereby designated as Special Improvement District No V. 8 changed to No 205 and the boundaries of eald proposed spsoial improvement district are hereby declared to be an followsa Commencinog at a point.,which is the intersection of the center line of "Washington Street, with t�,,.e center line of Third Avenue West North, thence running in a southerly direct- ion along the center line of Third Avenue ',Vent North, to its inter- eection with the center line of Idaho Street, thence westerly along the center line of ldt�aio Street to ite intersection witl t-Vie center line of Fourth Avenue Writ '-',Tortb, thence in northe-rly direction along the center line of Fourth Avenue West North to its interaection with the, center line of 'Xashin6ton Street, thence easterly along the center line of 17ashington Street to the place of be6,;An1n,& including therein all of Block Nine (9) Original fownsite City of Kalispell. S ecton 2. That t?).e general character of the improvements to be made in said proposed Special Improvement District is as follows, to wit. The construction of a sanitary sever with man -holes, lamp -holes, flush tanks and other necessary appurtenances, said zener comaencine, at the center of Tda-ho Street and running north through the alley in Block Nine (9) 0rL-,An4.:t1 Townsite, City of halJshe'll ® , to its north property line, which is the south property line of Washington Street. Section 3. That the approximate cost of said improvements is $665.00. Section 4. That the entire cost and eXpen ,%c of size.k1a improve- ments, including street and alley intersections, shall, be assessed a againat the entire district, each lot, or parcel of land v4j.thin such district to be assessed for that part of the whole cost whicia its area bears to the area of the entire district exclusive of str(*�ts, allays and public places. Section 5. That said assess cent --hall be paid for in Five (5) CqUal annual inztallmentz hereby exterided over a period of Five (5) years. Said assessment shall constitute a fund to be known as Special Impri'vement -Di.,-,trict Fund No 1.98 changed to 201. Section 6. That said improvemt-nts shall be paid for in Special Improvement District Caupon Warrants issued against saki district in the sun of $100.00 each, bearing interest at 6 per cent. per annum from the date of registration until Galled for redemption or paid in full, interest payable annually an the first day of January of each year, payable Five (5) years from date and redeemable at any time there are funds to the credit of such Improvement District Fund avail- dble therefor; the interpst coupons attached to such warrants to bear she fac-smile signatures of the Mayor and Clerk. Section 7, That on the 3rd day of March 1924, at the Council Chambers in the City Hall of the City of Kalispell, Niontana, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., a regular meeting, the City Council -pill hear and puss upon all protests that may be made against the making of such improvements or tile creation of such dietrict, Section 8. The City Clerk is herel,,y authorized and directed to give the proper notice of tie passage of this resolution by pub- lication and mailing as required by law, such publication to be made in the Kaliopell times a weekly newspaper gablishod In the City of Passed February 4th, 1924. Approved February 4th, 1924. A. T. Boorman, Mayor. r. F. dolzknecht, City Clerk. State of Montana County of Flathead SS City of Kalispell I. P. P. Holzknecht, Clerk of the City of Kalispell, Montana, do hereby certify that tile foregoing in a full., true andexact copy of a resclution passed by the City Council and approved by the Mayor of the City of Yontana, or the 4th day of February, 1924. Witness my hand th!5 15th day of February, 1924. Ail,A,-Ity Clerk. ��� ?f7s 0