Resolution 974 - Montana States Power Co Contract239 RESOLUTION NC. 974. A RESOLUTION RMNEWING CONTH)VIT WI'f111 TETNOATHEIRN 1D1j10 AND MONTANA POW-FR COMPANY ( now the YOUNITAIN STATES POWER 00.) WHEREAS, the N4RTHP7,RN IDkHO AND LIONTANA POWEt CO�VPAM-r, a corporation, as the party of tftd first part, and THE CITY OF KALISPT9LL, as the party of the second part, did, on the 6th day of April, 1914, enter into a contract in writing, whiwrein and whereby the said 'NORTHEIRIT IDAHO AND MONTANA POWER COMPANY did agree under certain terms and conditions to furnish the said the CITY OF KALISIELL electric current as specified in oaid contract for a period of five (5) yeare from and after Deoember lot, 1913; AND WHM71,A-S, for a valuable consideration, as therein specified, to it in hand paid by the said THE CITY OF KALISPELL, the said. NUUNTAIN' SThTTS P(WIER COMIALTY ( succeasora to the NORTHERN IDAHO AND MCNTNNA POW-TR COMPANY) did on the 31st day of October, 1923, esecute and deliver to the said THE CITY OF KALISPELL a certain option in writing to renew the aaid contract for a period of five (5) years, which option was in words and figures as follows, to -wit: 4lispell, Montana, October 31, 1923. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Kalispell, Montana. Gentlemen: For, and in consideraLian of the p",gyaent to the TATOUN"Aim STAT-TS POWER COMPANY (sucoesaors to the NORTIJERJT IDAHO AND MONTANA POW-7,R 0011PAI"') of the sum of one dollar ($1.00) by the (11TY OF K-ALISPUL, receipt of whic'n sum is hereby acknowledged, tae CITY OF KALTSPOLL is hereby eiven theoption of a renewal of the present power contract between this company and the Cikty for a period of five years (from December first, 192.3, to December first, 1928) at the sane -rate fie provided by the Prevent contract (one cent (1g) per kilowatt hour). Such option may be exercised by the City at any tjme prior to the expiration of the present contract. This proposi- tiOn is subject,to the approval of the Public Seri -ice Co=iiasion of Montana. Respectfully, MOU11TAIN STKEMS POWETE COTICPANY By(signed) W, B. MacDonald Manager. POIN TI-7,RNFORR BE IT Rv-SOLVT4M, that the City of haliepell doee hereby exercise its said option to renew said contract and does hereby 'renew the said, contract for a period of flva(5) years from and after the firat day of Decenber, 1923. Passed by the Council November 5, 1923. Approved by the Ifayor November 5, 1923. (signed) A. B. -BOORMAIT, Mayar. OTI'AST: A. G. SWA.",Y, City Clerk. State of Montana County Hof Flathead (as. City of Kalispell, ) I , A. G. 'SWAINEY, Clerk of the City of Kalispell, Montana, do hereby certify that the foreeoink; is a full, true and exact copy of the resolution passed by the City Council and approved by the Mayoron the 5t1h day of Novem 9P Witness my hand this 10th o 0 6 r, 923. A. (1. AYRY, City Cie.