Resolution 973 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 38NO* 973.
Al Ni"(XIF"IT11 IOTT Uw cost Of lichtliuf, S000la-
11) Istrict Ulo, THIRTY EIGHT Cf: VIUity Of 'talOpO11 for the
yezav 1,023 naid Iovyir(,, md, ca.L propevt�r withlik the flaid
klizi,lr let vA t1t Use con IL o:ttrht I rz � Ad is tr I ct*
017Y 01,11, M11,70
CITY 07, "'L
, 00,I1iOtl * Ost "1iC,'ht.13pei14S ric t t
Nc. THIRTY.,,,-3IGH% 01" thty OX ispoll for tale year
1, 9 2Z 4 1 a e t 1,,c, ",a ta d to b e 19 2. 00 .
',CcUor 2k tc.% io hvlzmby Ievled ar.0 asnesced ttpoy^ all the
propc,,,rty 11N ",he nald 11glitaq.1, district for the &m-olir-t of f4ztj�
In"Ited coot of "U'rl"MrZ thO StreOtO by1urjvrticr.1r-.r.,,,, to the
Otiver"zI 1"ot"', rv"' P—PI"0010 Of 2,nr.dw to-wlt-,t (3efarerwa 19 I'mroty,
luad,i-,, to Vao o,1gina zozolutler. or. Xile cLrd of record ir. the offioe
0'14" "U10 Cltlf Clcrk TOV a spaclfle
iv� thr,�, foree""ClInc resclutiozo)
,.)Octlor, Zi, �111e tax 11CV0,1Y Iovied i�00,maec deUr.quer.t at six
iolc:Lool, p. or. tl-m 50th day of 'TovardberO
aotlon do Ra-Purence to hlv6by mde to the 'Fle"101'atior of
lr,-teta Ucw to Ovealu", 11f,',ht1nj Dit, 17c, THIRTY -SIGHT :rOv
A"Z't'luerr -particul-u".,
t 6th-da, y car 4"Orp15,23, zones, Sot ror 3n,10 211 te
at 7:30 0101001C P*4�*
i' 't ctz ". C"* I
'AW 1-11 �,-yo ("Ity
"dopted vhoc, lot de,,v nf october"
J�,ttast4 i_ G, City clark" A, 4 !"vor*
Lolw:Ay 01, 'A�Aheud) go.
citj *f A (
1, J�. f'o. Mork or vla Qitw 01" zalispell,
de 110%,Obj eertit,,j th,,,,-,t Uuo Is a full, �ruo and
wmct ao,,y of a vanclut.lor. aamid by tiv�� City Cotmall cX,.d approved
by Via 1",nyor mr t1he 1.7t day of Q'cta.'r,