Resolution 962 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 27RESOLUTION NO. 962. A REPSOLUTION estimating the cost of lighting Special Lightirg Dis- trict No. TWENTY SEVEN of the City of Kalispell, tor the year 1923, and levying and azueseirg all property within the said dis- trict with the cost of lighting the said district. .bE IT 11,11,SOLVED BY TTECITY COMICIL OF TIM CITY OF Y-ALISPELL: Section 1. The cost of lighting Special LigAirg District No. TWENTY SEVEN of the City, of Kalispell for the year 1923 is estimated to be $232.92 Section 2. A tax is hereby levied and assessed upon all the property ir the said lighting district for the amourt of the esti- mated cost of lighting the streets therein by apportionirg to the several lots and parcels of Inad with the district, to-w4t: (Reference is hereby made to the original resolution on file and of record in the office of the city Clerk for a specific descrip- tior. of the property enfDraced in the above -mentioned resolution.) Sectior 3. The tax hereby levied beeves delinquert or the 30th day of November, 1923. Sectior 4. Reference is hereby made to the Resolution. of lr.tentic4 to create ligi-tirg district No. TWENTY SEVEN for further particulars. Introduced 6eptftber 26th, 1923, and set for hearing Uctober let, 1923. Attest: A. G. &,VAI-TETY, City Clerk. A. E. 30OPUAN, 11ayor. Adopted this the let day of October, 1923. Approyed this the lot day of October, 1923. Attest: i,_ G. SWANEY, City Clerk. E. BOORMAN, liay_r. State of Montana Gounty of i,,lathead) so. City of Kalispell ( 1, A. G. SWANEY, Clerk of the city of Kalispell., 1-ortara, do hereby certify that tiiefore[,,oing is a full, true and correct copy of a resolution passed ray the City Council and. approved by the Mayor on the lSt day of October, Witress my hand this l5thAay of Oc-Lob- , 1923. A. SWAIM, city Cler-