Resolution 963 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 28-RESOLUTION NO, 963.
A MSOLUTION estiniatirg the cost of lighting Special. Lighting Pis-
trict 110. MNTY EIGHT of the Gity of Kalispell for the year 1923
and levying and assessing all property within the said district with
the cost of lightir4g the daid district.
;5ectioy_ 1. The cost of lighting :special Jighting District
TkVENTY EIGHT of the t;ity of Kalispell i-or the year 1923
is estimated to be $216.00.
Section 2. A tax is hereby levied ar-d asses:3ed upon all the
property in the said lighti4i district for the amount of the esti-
mated cost ow' lighting the streets therein 'by apportioning to the
several late and parcels of land within the said district, to -wit:
(Reference is hereby made to the original resolution or file and of
record in the office of the City Clerk for a specific description
of the property,embraced it the above -mentioned resolution.)
Section 3. The tax hereby levied becomes delinquert at six
o'clock p.m., or. ivovember 30tjx, 1923.
Section 4. Reference is hereby made to the Resolution of
Intention to create lighting district No. TWENTY,1,'IGHT for
further particulars.
Introduced tieptember 26th, 1923, and set for hearing Uctobei-
let, 1923, at 7:30 o'clock pm.
Attest: 4. G. SWA-TTEY, City Clerk. A. E. BOOR AN', Mayor.
Adoptedthis thellst day of October, 1923.
Approved this the Ist day of October, 1923,
Attest: A. G. SWAJJBY, City Clerk.. A. E. 1�OORMAN, liayor.
State of 1?i'� Z � County of �ria raead
Gityrof Kalispell
I, A. G. SWIMY, Clerk of. the uity of Kalispell,
1dontana, do, hereby certify that therforegoirg is a full, true and
exact copy of a resolution passed by 'uhe City Council and approved
by the Mayor, on the lot day of October, 1,923.
Witness my hard, this 15Lh day of October 23.
A. SWAhMY, City stir.