Resolution 968 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 33u n o"�,u'21or
111;01111.'IXQN' eatimatin f1xv CoDt 09 :L-qt"'mj'rz" ",pecial,
Dio �zwiot 11o* THIRTY TIMM 04° the City of 1`41iapell for tho year
egazir ga all prop,ertv vIt1hjr the all diatrict
Witil QV 't Or 116'h'Ur.9 the Su ld dISVIA0
-C 1 2
ox, Y, oou�' 1'j� 030 711r-, CtT'Y,' (1,1?
Uecttor. 1. The crost ef Jjr',J,,jtjrg L�gxjtjre, District
No* THIRTY THREE OX thu, C,ty Qe for the yeux
I n ezltiauated to be �A91.00.
�400t'104. tax 14 -hdruby lovied W=d uaoomqed upbn all pro.
porty ir. the s"id Ile-tAng diatriot row w-io uzaour.t oft-11'a es3tj-e',Jatod
coot off.11� tirg the streeiIsen by ajm=�ortjonlr% to Vu," sever -,a
lots and parcels Of la r.d vltk'An the said dlotriet$ to -%-lit:
(Ileference is 71-creby ma:",e APO Ule crif,'IM11 MMUlti0r, Or file rx,-d
ot%record ir, tlaa offloo of ties City V,1-3Tjc 0 r a 0 doo
1,0 pao.jf I criptlor.
Of the PrC,%PertY embraced In t:,,io foregojj�%P� recolution.)
Z# 'Tho tax laerraby 10viOd b000TV8 delinquent on the
sotl'l dz4y 04: 192Z.
;:,cc-41or, 4. "Zorereme 10 lier6by r1arlo to the 7,68olutior. of
Intention. tO OvOutO lif.0'Aing, f1lotriot '70# THIRTY THREE for
furvier Particulars.
Irtr0d'Uced SOPtamber 26th# 192,3, emd eat for hearire October
latt, cvt 7:Z0 o'clock
A4teet: i&. (�. city ulel'ic*
440ptod this � lo lot dazr 0C (:vtober'
Apprave�A t�au the lot day Of
Attaet,t A. G. Cj%r clerk,
State cl, "Ortzx-'?' (
comty 01" ""Iatlrmad"" 00,
0ity of
'4 114* C';* tj'Jos (;I Off" Or 'halispal-1,
"'Orttara# do her0by certIfy that t
he,' truo cmd
exact oopy or the reso:Lutior' 1168066 by tho City 0our.0j':L or; the lot
dQY' Of 00tObOr, I(D2B.* and off* tjje I-,ayor,
Wltrezo my h=ok t1alv I. day Of October, 7 -1 � '
'y' City Clerk