Resolution 947 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 2IIEWSOLUTION NO. 947
A RESC-LUTION estimating the cost of lightirg tpecial Lighting
District Number Irmo of the City of Kalispell for the
year 19213, and levyirg and assessing all property wi thin Lhe said
district with cost of lighting the said district.
bectior 1. The cost of lighting zp�cial Lightirg vistrict
1dumb er TWO of the City of Kalispell for the year 1923 is
estimated to be $791.04
Sectior 2. A tax is hereby levied ard assessed upor. all the
property in the said lighting district :nor the amount of the esti-
mated cost of lightirg The streets thereir by apportioning to the
several lots and parcels of land wi'Lhin ;he said district, as fol.Lvw
to -wit. (Regererce is hereby made to the original resolution or_
fileand of record ir. the oflice of the city clerk for a specii-ic
description of the property embraced in the above-mertioned resolu�,-,
Sectior. 3. The tax hereby levied ueco"Iles delirqiiert at six
o'clock P. m. or. the 30th day of November, 1923.
Section 4. Hefevence is hereby made 'to hesolution of Irten-
Lion to crette lighting district xbumber TWO lor further particulaxw
Intred-used Septem1ber 26th, 1923, and set for hearing Oct.1,1923.
1�ttest: A. G. SWANEY, City clerk. A. E. BOOPIZAN, Mayor.
-Adopted this 1st day of October, 1925.
Apy..)roved this'lat day of October, 1923.
Attest: A. 0. SWANEY, (�ity ulerk. A. -RBOOMAN, Mayor.
State of Montana
County of Flathead� O's.
City of Kalispell
1, A. G. SWANEY, Clerk of the city of i-Lalispel.L,
iaogtara, do hereby certii,y that the foregoing is a full, true and
exact copy of a resolution passed by the city uourcil ardapproveu
by the Mayor oe,the lst day of October, 1923.
Witness my hand this lbth day of 0 to 9213.
1) to
A. G. Ci�j Clerk.
W/�V �11 2