Resolution 946 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 1M XESOLUTION NO. 946 A I1MOLUTION estimatirg the coot of lighting Special Lighting District Number 0a of the City of Kalispell for the year 1923, and levying and assessing all property within the said district with the cost of lightirg said district. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI'.PY OF KALISPELL , 6ection 1. The cost of lighting 1,ightirg District Number ONE of the city of Kalispell for toe year 1923 is estimated to be $791.04 Se(,tior 2. A tax is hereby levied and assessed upon: all the property it the said lightirg district for the ambunt of the estim- ated cost of liGhtirg the streets therein by apportioning to the several lots and pearcels of lard within the Said district, as follows, to=Vlit, ( Reference is hereby made to the original resoiu- tion which is on file and of record is_ the of! -ice of the City clerk for a specificidescriptior of the property embraced ir. the foregoing rez�lution. ) Section 3. The tax hereuy levied becomes delinquert at six o'clock p.m., on the 30th day of Aovemuer 1923. Liection 4. lieference is hereuy made to Hesolutior. of Intention to create lighting district number ONE for further particulars Introduced 6epteraber 2,Oth, 1923 and set for hearing October 1, 1923. Attest. A. G. SWANEY, City Clerk A. E. BOOPJ40, Mayor. Adopted this the Ist day of October, 1923. Approved this the Ist day of October, 1923. Attest. A. G. SWANEY, City Clerk. A. E. BOOPMAIT, Mayor. State of Mortara ( Cou-r,ty of Flathead) Be. City of Kalispell 1, A. G. SWILITEY, Clerk of the city of Kalispell, a,;.ortana, do hereby certify that the foregoirg is a full, true ard exact copy of the resolutior passed by the city Council and approvel by the mayor on the lst day of October, 1923. Witness myrhard this l5th day of Oc ober, 3. A. ­4WAITEY, City ul