Resolution 954 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 10M H SOLU'.IIONi N0.954. A FX4SOLUTION estimating the cost of lighting Special J,ighti-ng District i1c. TEN of the city of Kalispell for the year 1923, ard levying and assessing all property within the said dis- trict with the cost of liphting the said district. 11-1] IT. SOLVED 23Y THE CITY COUINCIL OF T11-2 CITY Of, MISPIML: Section 1. The cost of lighting Special Lighting Diot,:°ict No. TEN of' the City of Kalispell for the year 1923 is estimate(.1 to be $ 265.20. Section 2. A tax is hereby levied and assessed upon all 'the property in the said lighting district for the amourt of the estimated cost of lighting the street E: and avenues therein by apportioning to the several lo-tz and parcels of lard wi;,hin the said district, as follows, to wit; (Reference is hereby made to tbLe original resolution or. file and of record in the office of the City Clerk for a epecific description of the property effuroxed in, the above-mentiored resolution.) Sectior 3. The tax hereby levied becomes delirqueht at six o'clock p.m., on the 30th day of November, 1923. Section 4. Refererce is heresy made to the Resolution of Irtertion to create lighting; district JTo. TEN for further particulars. Introduced September 26th, 1923, and set for hearing October Ir,t, 1923. Attest: A. G. SWANEY, City Clerk. A. R. BOOTHLUN, Yayor. Adopted this lot day of October, 1923. Approved this let day of October, 1923. Attest: A. G. SWiZT�y, (jity Clerk. A. E. BOOMIAIT, Mayor. State of Montana ( County of j,'lathead ss. City of Kalispell 1, A. G. SWAIM, Clark of the City of Kalispell, I i'ortana, do hereby certify tha-t the foregcine is a full, true a:dd exact copy of a resolution passed by the City Council and approved "by the Mayor on the lst &4y of October, 1923. Witness my hand this 15th day of 0 ber, 1923. SVI,*,T Y, City Ole' .