Resolution 953 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 9Rh B0 I — -LUTIM !X)�953 A eatim-Urg, the cof3t c,,f L-ightirg, '13pacial TA 0iting 'Distvict 710. NINE Of the Citj 01" Kallopello for the year 1923, and levyina w-d W300001P4 all property witliir, the,vaid dis- trict With V16 0,00t of liczhUng the naid distvict* 1�zldl IT �614 14L� G17Y Uolr%�Ilo 01? TR,,.,' CITY OV 4�00ti0r. 1* The Coot of jig-jit Special jjgvjjtir4 0 ric Lj t t No, NINE Of the City off` -.Ullspell for the year 1923 io estl.vm-ted to be � 15. 50 "00tian 2* A taX is hor4by levied and assessed on oll the proporty in the said lightlrZ, diStriat for the macurt of the e,,W,uutod cost of lif"hting the Bats therein by apportlor.jr-g to the severul let $ and purcelm of 1;Ald veit1lit tea. ald disti,-ict, as :C01l0,wV,, tQ-Tlitt {Aeferenoe is 1�oraby ralade to V,1110 criginal resole. tion oat file iur-d of record In t1le ofljoe of tile it Clerk for a OP001fic d0scrIPUOn Of the property embraced InnUie above -men. bored rGSolutiono) , 300tior 3. The twr, hereby levied bee'rmeo delinquent tit six O'clock p*rn�.. Or, U10 30th dad. of TuTorembert 1023, ,iGOticn 4t, 110reby aw%de to t1io lLentlor. to create Jjj)-ntjra djstrje� NINE nor rurther pomtloulars. IntrOduOed 30pt0liZar 20th, 1923, ar.d oat for haarjj% s'3Ot6vor 113tt 19111"31 Attest: (". SwIPMU"Yo City Clerk. A* U,* -4-1, cell 11TUY-or. Adopted thin lot day of ootcl)er, r�,13. APIlroved thi$ I da;Y of October, 10,23. j,tteat., , e,;,, 11-ity Clark. A* -�. 11:ayor,. of kv "�-ioulra G0ur-tY Of , Plutheud� sea city Of L-alispell ( II, A. G. Clerk of LIke ulty of yalispell, l'on'tea m" tie 'heraby oertiT' thzit the foromolre le ,n- run true "rd COPYOf thG OVi6lir-'11 ref'Mllltiom pas,"d by the City Councij and approvod J)y U10 ';.'zcWvr or. the lot c1c,%y off' october, �iitrlesu my lu,,r.d tlLim 15th day of U i ty erk#