Resolution 952 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 8AQ14 0 1, 7
601,UTIVU 1,11". 952.
Vie Peet of 1ik')1t1r.U, a'-'Peoial 'Llolitine,,
District 1,10# EIGHT oil the City of ror, as year 192,5,
levytre, and a0aM ozoi1, all property withir. tiro act i5trict Witi
cost of jj(htirg tirie said digrict.
oos� etict No. -EIGHT ,t of lj�r jtjr4,,- J,ighting D T 14
of the Uity of for the yo�.r l4a23 la 0St1,,3rA0d to be 447.00
6eotior. 2* A to Is tjereby levied and assessed upon all tho
p-rope rty In the naid 1iL,,,htirg dietrict for the mount, of the e,,Iti-
Y,q°htod rcrt of liclitinf-; to the
the of thc�zoir by apportionir.
qovercj letz cud pardele of land wit)Ar. the *aid district an
follow -,I, to -wit: (Reference is hmreby nade to the oriCjylal m2olu-
tior. or file cr.d of record In the ofrice of the City Clerk for a
doucriptior. of the property emabraced In t1v.1 above -mer ti ond
;Ootior. 3. ",lie tax haraby levied b-co-s.ev (lelinquent at six
o1olock P.n." .70vombar 30th, IN3.
ueno u 10ectior. ei* 1'�eferonoo is here�by rnado to tbe orig1ral r - I t r-
of Intention to create 11j,htjrg district "o, EIGHT for further
L'trOdtAGOd 'U'lis 20th day of 3eptemuber# 14,23* and set for hear-
ir.L, October Ict, ID26.
Atteot: ji. c. city Clerk* ,# "'. ---"ayor.
Adopted this day of October, 1923.
A pproved this lot day of Gotober,
G. city Clerk. 4101 * Mayor.
11 - Etate of `�cmtora
County of -Iutlm,d sow
City or 1"a:
1, A. G. Clerk of the G;Jty ot "141irapell,
1� I
1c, ltaal.a, do hereby C�Irtify thin t V7�,e forec,;oing is a full, 1�rue aml
exact copy of the reeolutior. pasned by the city (;ouncil and approvd
by the .1,,'!Wcr or the lnt clay of G�otobor, l sir
,Uitreoa py hard this 15th day of C,',otCbar Q