Resolution 955 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 12RESoi,nioN im. 955. A 11LEZOLUTION estimating the cost of Lighting Special I,ightir-C District No. WELVE of the City of haliopell., for the year 1923, ar-d levying and assessing all property witliir the said district with the cost of lighting the said district. B,'E' IT MSOLVED BY T1. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPIEML. Section 1. The cost of lighting Special Lightirg District No. TWELVE of the City of Kalispell, for the year 1923 is estimated. to be $435.00. Section 2. A tax is hereby levied and assessed upon_ all tiie property it the said lighting district for the ataourt of the esti- mated cost of lighting the streets therein by apportioning to the several lots and parcels of land -within the said district, to -wit: (Refererce is hereby made to the original resolution on file and of record in the cflice of the City Clerk for a specific descrip- tion of' the property eiduraced in the wave-mentiored resolution.) Section 3. The tax hereby levied,becomes delinquent at six ollclock p.m., or. the 30th day of i,ovembor, 1923. Section: 4. Reference is hereby itiade to the Resolution of, Intention to create lighting district No. IVELVE for further particulars. Irtroduced 'Septeriter 26th, 1923, and set for hearing October Ist, 1923. Attest: A. G. SWANEY, City Clerk. A. E. BCOMVN, ILayor. Adopted this tuellqt day of October, 1923. kpproved this the Ist day of October, 1923. Attest: A. G. SWIMY, City Clerk. A. E. BOOR1JAN, Mayor. State,,of 1,.,ontan&-, Co,anty of Flathead) City a Kalispe,11.( 1, A. G® SWANEY, Clerk of the City of Kalispell., i�ortana, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full. true and exact copy of a resolution passed by the City Council ard approved by the Mayor or. the let day of October, 1923. witness my hand this 15th day of Oc er, 1923. 1Y, City I ork. X. �. SWANECi t