Resolution 941 - Insect Pest Control PaymentRESOLUTION NO. 941.
A RESOLUTIONproviding for the payment of expense incurred
by the City of' Kalispell in connection with the -INSECT PEST
CONTROL during the season of 1923, as provided for by Ordirance
No. 375 of the City of Kalispell, loontana.
SECTION 1. Whereas the provisions of Ordinance No. 375, of
the City of Kalispell, ertitled, 0Ar- ordinance providing for the
creation of insect pest control districts and making mandatory
the use of eradication and control measures within the area of
such prescribed district or districts", and which provides that
thef,expenae in coraeotior therewith shall becolne a lien agairst
the property upor which the control measures were used and small
be spread upon the tax rolls of the city:
6ection 2. Therefore, be it hereby resolved, that the follow-
ing owners of the property described opposite their respective
names be notified by the City Treasurer that the amounts set forth
below are now due and payable to the City of Kalispell as havir-g
been actually expended by said City in carrying out Insect Pest
Control measures for the year 1923:
(Refereroe is hereby made to the original resolution or file and
of record ir. the office of the City Clerk for a specific descrip-
tion of the property nembraced in the above resolution).
Section 3. '2he qmour-ts herein set forth oecoiiie delinquent
at six o'clock, p.=, or the 30th day of November, 1923.
Section 4. The monies collected under the provisions of, this
resolution shall be paid in to the Street Furd, same having been
disbursed from said Fund,
Introduced this 26th day of September, 1923, and set for
hearing October Ist, 1923, at 7:30 o1clock p.m.
Attest: A. G. SWANEY, City Clk.(signed) A. E. BOOHMAN, Mayor.
Adopted this the let day of October, 1923.
Approved this the let day of October, 1923.
(signed) A. E. BOORMAN, Mayor.
Attest: A. G. SWANEY, City Clerk.
State of Montana
County of Flathej ss.
City of Kalispell. (
1, A. G. SWANEY, Clerk of the City of Kalispell,
Mortara., do hereby certify that the foregoing is a fuli, true and
exact copy of a resolution passed by the City Council and approved
.by the Mayor or. the lst day of October, 1923.
Witness 'Jay hand,.this 13th d�a aotober, 1923.
c SWIAIINEY, City Clerk