Resolution 938 - Correction of Lighting Taxesm
A 2WUPIN6 Am the and
re-muceement of the li6at&6 mairten'am:'e tuxe'," in Inp-
ruvmert Natrictu No. 5, C, 16, 31, 32, tma ZZ, for the jeam,,
1919, 192C, 1921 und 192C on V,,,t-; of """'aa '.rei"t Nort'hern
Railway Sorpany Q tho City of Yalispail, Fontana, urder U a
Provas, urs of Section =52 of Va'(-' of
Section i. Aut, Whereas, 192'(D' 1921, zw"d
1922, the property of Thea.
Spe, �!,ai TmpvuvE1"-.r', T.,.Le,,JL.Lrg Autri.t. Ka, E, n jQ 31, 32, urd 3�,
Of ithe cf Kail"';Pc"I", T��;rtav%;,,
described amd, voureas, the front f,-czza""'"'L' U! 1-1c" pro�";�rty Uf the
Great 'NorthQrn, Railmy Co2la", aluttir, un Wd TQvth, Diatrjtq�
iz, actually Ln:Qr 1535 feet, mareas said C e
an MU wasis of 1F'CC 2 fir::. RE
T ,E, IT
Cod c a oi Lou QL,1 E.,, si, 1921" , whi ch, Uut 1101'iz 0,9 a - t',-'Orrect i or,
of asZessn"t, whunmvl, Wuni, uthw'
'P , y
for to* little or too mm" USA the awsue"""r'�ertL tic projea't'y
of the Grout Nort"O", Ra"way "PwV in thO "tY Of MAMA, for
imp iutc,,nance in. Spacial lmpvovernen'�
reArran uste, von-ected ,,d
Thro,f �Zcc'); &I
abutting the m5t
Distr,_ct yt. h
1) oyper.!"«' line of MOW Street On, T'uizd 1, (I(Ear t.
for We y
mar "00 016-50; fix the year YQ1,
Onc Lmdred fifty (150) feet avuttVna; side 01 !A
Dietrict No, P, nurth of the nort1i pu�,�pert�, jjy�Gwj 'd ,,t,, -,, c
4'jjocu� S IC t
On Fava-th �"'vorue %J: lthe ;mar 1519, 0.3" %, the leav 112n,
-oi the yeur 122" tEM: Ax toe iA22, pl"9E.
Qe hqndrel sevmAy (VI) Met,
Of 1,ia�,htir)6 Diatri-ct No. 16 on Fifth Avenjuju WeEt, rWrth of tne,
north prDportj lino of the property A pzezunt ovned -by ty�(,,
Nour Vills Company, and iri(` or the ou& sibe of ouid dlsn�.t
Cal Wifth -veyme Qat, imorth of Ve mr4i polver, line V' Kailrcad
Street,-&T the gear 1919, AM; fov t1w jeur 024, Q"Aq An tQ,
Tj,,,,,r ee .5 .a A, { 3(',,(` fve 4, ; lF3 1, al, " L � in.,,,,,
t L 10, o anc� I P3 feet a 1a tt J, r, 0 t wt"n',t zide of' Lj,&,,-ht ir�, T) i o L r i�,,
77. --,i or il,
. Yorth, of "'I"'e 40tip property
lines uf Lot 7, RIM ZO zwd Lot 6, ".lack 153,. fw, two year 1919,
1100&; for the yaux 19Q, for th�,,, j-u4ir
six (366) feeQ lE3 feet Ld-ustjr,; thhe
OW 6ide and UO Met UK4tt:L-,6 t-t-, 6j-de of Distriot
A. 32 an Third A.enue Ewt No&,, nuuth of the woixtA pnparty
I ,ea . of Lot '? Plo,,,h 22" ana l'ot 6, P:I,oc'l, �or tree year 1919,
010.47; for thn japr KPO, ,„UM; for We pmar 10AL $2"94;
Lurdr�-d ei,Mj Qxee (113) Apt abuo&6 t?e we2t
oi Qe2dr6
of the yro�,rer%' .ire. of Lot 6, Elack 21,- On, the yeur 1919,
OEM; for 'An our 192" CiQM; for M ear 1921, 110.DE; for
thA yuar 1322, 111,61; in ull, mak7,.r47 a tctal G;,elinquen4;'y of
WWI tau from tpe N`crth—'rTl Eai`-WaY
The foregoing ascassxpantiar-,
ac"ail WoU Vonale spuw�ng on Ae KC"ial re"Monf the
City of Ealispli, in the nx,,,,& ll&ilway
Compa"Y as Un !"e sure
UCalnvt OMW INIVILO PrvIeTty abuttiQ jaice T,I�,,--Ail
Tile aw-,,d re-adj-dS'te�,,.
tiie a`ore-
Secticy: 2. Qat e�ill jti,,er anAzwvntv herMMums erroneous-
ly rf"acle, a , the
Vail%Q QvTnrUrjl fpr in
DjukiYLS Yo. lr,;, 31, z2", of' tile
My of Altelpil for lv,' " eara";
Lu'e- i,,a-rsby suclared to vp Wl aQ -vcia I"Y
the aAjWWd an! corrected mGftiore� ir
-,,e, are
C.,, r, T. a,! yrrrected w
,,rain zat forta OUM be -"'or. out
apprcvfj, 1-,,y 1,:ayor,
C,,,Il tLju 6th day cK + 4>uq 1023.
o, v t"-'e blay'ox, +1 rli:3 Ct,',,i "I&,". r o 8
uf plzatlleudO az
I , j! . Cox. 'C"71 e'k Uf uie Ci,
I 'y 01'
llortl,&rkat Oc, h�,,rell� ccrtify t1he sQlirx-,- �a a"
ful I , t rue &n-d exa(. t c C, Y,47 � a r e s 0 lut i 0 n paz 's th 0 'C' i ty
Ccvr'cil and, apy'roved ty 14.xat- 111'"Z"or C"', tke, uitof sjoll
1"Ton tw"CL , 'th cluy C�f
CI er P. City