Resolution 936 - Sale of LandPe it Valt the M ty ct" Yaliz,
sel,!, anrl trpan,., c.�
by regular lee? of General Warranty , the following pa4yj of land,
ol Luram, ted, IyNC and being in the, cl7-,.jnty :,,f Of
7">a:"!L in at
the Southweot c.!f the Farm; mest quortna- of tl'e Ncrt'h etm�t
,4,uar t e n f n t I n T" T C Ra 4Le
T- -- - - he'rce rurrin",- -Ion�, tne
IvVt], _ n 0 r th a
I�olui.n�-Iox,,/ line of said northeast quarter o,,' sectic,',n eigllnt, two
hunUed (201 feet; thenne cne h.,,ndrud. fifty (15(i feet to
a, point; thence with said Mtc,,z,n 'I�our,�Iuline, of
oat! narBnast qvLarte"� )f elyjA No hurNed Net (w) -s-
the Southern 17'ourd'uor"" lir"e of th'c� 110 t, quartex., nf tth.a North,-
q,"',n"rter of hhr �) �,, ;z I e-j�,r, t; t�,,,e ,ce west one lmndrna
anti fifty QUI Not noon; Md swunann 1—uMary line to -20 3PAce
or ingimino being ci traot c-" lctnd t,,,).,(,, h�undred fQet �2,(.'C) lortc
by ono hundred an -,'I c-ifty (15n) To,,,et'her vitln certain
right of way Yz Cranted by Lhe FailspPI! Con,,rz�,-ry to
Kalispell Water and Electrin Co. ac 'Ieocl dated cctPo 25"th
IC92 and Reoorded in Evish I Of Deeds w lE F t�) CwE. Con'rad'
memorial ce-ieGery "'sg,,0,jatjon upor the payment w 'Am skid city
t,,,, -fL v
s�jtm, cf ot,
the Mite& statea
Be it f,,tM,°t��x:wtj.e 7t�,,vev �,q' hi,,e itaid ci ty of
Kalispell ir hereby authorized, emiovPel,co_ a,,nd irstruicted upon the
pa,,,�jent of the purchuao price hereinhefcct', i�,,:enLiored to eXeCut(' &nd
Por -,,nd on behalf of the .'ity '-"f 1ra]-ispe12 a Jee�" Cf r—r
veyanc,e of tne ul-cve property wit-h cg'.)Tel' ants of General
TanwmQ, for and or helalf ct' 'Cht-� Be-110 City C, jr)P
,aid deed shall be utt�toted !,,,y t1'e Cjty Clerk.
P-v"'ocrl July 3, IP23.
'')Unz"L� of Flathead So.
("'J'Ay of Kal ispell
Kahmpall, Unntara, do haWy certify t1h,"'.16 tl""e fnrpgoinc is
a full, true and emot copy of a reso!-utJ,o,-'-, pa.,sed Iy the
CiQ, OoumAl and approved by the Mayor of tka: City of
Wisps!!, Montana, on th.e 3rd dl—ty of July, 3, 3
P.,,,y }-,and this 5th A ,fir
5G-1 IISI'y