Resolution 933 - Resolution of Intent - SID 204R11]'S0TJ,'T10,1'1 OF TNT11711TION TO C-IMP1ATE SEMOTAT, !YT',ROVT1,7M1.7,T DISTIFITCIT NO. 23V 1',M IT RfP,1,30-LV!,,D BY 7-112, C'TTY COUl',"C17. OF TiM CITY 0? KALIST—ELL, TONTAW Section 1. That it is the intention of the City Council of the City of 'Kalispell to create as special irprovement district, hereby deaignate-d as Special Improvenent District No. 204, and the boundaries of said proposed special impravement dlstrict are hereby declared t,,,) be a-, follovr,,, beginni-ne, at a point whic'n is the inter z,,e c: t! or', of the alley b-etween Ist Ave, East and 2n-1 Ave. 11,ast and t'ne certerline of Railroad Sti-.,,et, thence wet alongthe centerline of Railrca-d Street t-) to intersection vw4-th the cat nte-rline -,,,)f Vne, alley hetwee n Main Street and. First Ave� ,T;ast tIzioxice ,�Dj.At'h ulon,-,; the centerline of said alley tllroug'h blocko 35, 45, 56, and. 65 CxiL-,inal Townote, City of KalispeU, to the centerline of Street --�,ast, taence Past along said casszt opli.,ta to t1ie centerline of the alley 1')etween First Avenue East -and Second Avenues East t1aence nc)rth alonC� aa-id alley centcrline throuu',h blocks 64, 57, 44 and 37 to the point of beSinning. Section 2. 7nat th,o genaral character of t'ie- inyrovements to be made in said Ixop"md Sprcial Tmprove3ment District 1-9 as follows, tomit: to reyair the pavmwnt now in jlacc by plantnd thereor a double course, em.�bodyJin.g, a preparation cf the exist1mg surface, as priming, rcoat, �a re - flushing course, a sand, and rolling« Section 3. That the amrrox!-t,Lte coo,, to $1325M� Section 0 That the entire coet an( T experL,e t.;f im,,,-uroveyftents , inrl uding street and '�i,ley in, er-, c-,,tione, , stall, aa','ainst 1,-'.,,,e entire district, 10t Ot." JParcel- land MAN such district to be mmstWed Ar that Part Of UP, whole itti-, area ""ears to t,yv apes, of the mQUe district excTusive of otreet"", alle'y't' and pub"lic placeF'. Section 5. That said Le --Paid for ,In five illstallpyr :i.e reby c.,, te Col over as rerias of Me years. Suid assesslib rt shall ceinstltotP PIK tn " w A '�nowr z -to Speciai Improvement DioQlct Fund No, 204, Section 6. That sail improvements sl-,ail 1-,e pal,d f'cr I'l Speoial Improvenient Djitrict noupon bonds iss,,led againat said. district in the swu of $100.00 each., I,aaring int�-,re�3t at 6 1-�er cent. per annum fron the date of rJstra Ile t j, n u r, t , i c a., d for redemption or paid in full, interest p2,yable annually Oil tbe fir,t dly of january of ean-,,a pay:i)je CiiTe yeare from date and red"mable at any time tnere are fi.tnds 'to the cred- it of auch, Improvement Distriot Euj,,c a1vail.aable thorefore; the intere,s,t coupons attached. to bonds to bear the fao- siriil si�, Yla,�7or and Clerl:- ,4nature ofthe Seotion 7. Th a t on t vi E3 Eta eay o f Aug"Lk s t , 192 3, , at, e th (ouncil, Charl,e's in the City of the City of Yaliapell, IrTontana, at 7„:30, c,,'cjocR p.m., a re[�,-Iar ineet'Ing, tce City Council wl,ll "near and pass upon all that may Ile T,jctd,e thc; -alng ,-)f cuc?', im.,-,rrovcmE,,,nts or tI-Le 3re,,ation of s'ac]n list-r�ot Section R. The City Cl en is hereby authorized and ,-irected to give Me proper notice of the p;e of ti,,is re,° oijtion by jublication and maiing as reqWred by lwo, such publicatlorz to be ade in the Kalispell Times a weel-ly nemspaper in the City of Y,"Ii�spejl� July 3rd ID23. Approved July 3rd "!.��225 A� 'T. Toon�aar, Vayc,-r A, (1— �IV,4J,'Ji!Y, ("Ity Clerk. State of Montana Co-iinty of Plathead IF S City of Kaiisrell T, A- G. Olax:,, of th�e City of' Kalispell, Montana, do hereby cert.iry thtt the fore,ac)int.z is a full, true and exact con, of a resnlution pas,aed 1,,y the Pity Council and approved by the IlWyor of ttr,e City. of Kalispell, Montana, on the 3rd day of july, 1.923. - of July, 2 2wW"CAZQP -- K .. Xonity q A U Typ"