Resolution 931 - Resolution of Intent - SID 203RESOLUTION NO. 931.
,F,;i, �JTY � K 1,, Fjj,,
V 0 N T1,NA:
Section 1. That it is the in,tentic)Ta of the City, Ccuncil of
the City of Kalispell to create a spec.1,al improven,,ent district,
hereby de signated as Special Improvement District Yoe 203,
and the boundaires of said proposed special imppoo-eir.ent dj2trict
are hexeby declared to be as fol.lows; Commencing at a point
Which ik3 the interoection of the center line of 2nd Avenue
Eas"t Find the east and west center line of Block 43 extended
westerly to said center line, thence southerly along the center
line of 2nd Ave. East to its intersection with the east and
west center line of Blocks 58,
the middle line of Blocks 58, 59, 60 and 193 to the center line
of the &1lHyin Block 193, thence north along the center line of
the alley in Block 193 to a point on the center 'line of the alley
in Block 1,93 extended north to the -60,'Uth Property line of 1,0t
6 Block 192, thence west alon�--,; the, south property line of Lot 6
Block 192 to the center line of the alley in Block, 192, thence,
north, along the $oid alley line to its intersectirn Ivith the
east and, vest middle line of Block 192, thez'Ce West along the
said middle line through "Blocks 192, 41, 42, 43 to the place
of begirming.
Section 2. That the zeneral cl,.iaracter of the improvements to be
made in saJd proposed Special lm'proverient Diatrict is ao follows,
to -wit. 22 metal posts each equipped. p-,tjj one (1) 250 candle
130vver IamP arid NOvalux ornzamental head, together with the
nece,soary conduits, cable , rsvitches, ,junction boxee
and other appurtenances required to instaill and render 2ervice,aI)le
the lijhtin�i fixture,,
Section 3. That the apprOX'Lmate Pont of said improvement2 is
Section 4. That the entire cost and expense of such improverlents,
iricluding street and alley interz.,,ections shall be as,,-,essed agai t
-, , 11 P,
the entire diEatrice, eacli lot or parcel 11' land within such
dietrict to be assez,sed for that 1..,art of the whole whic,,h itQ zLrea
t6arfx to znu art,% or the entire district exclusi-ve of strects
alleye and publir places.
Section b. That said as:sesoment shall be paid for in ten
equal annual installmenta hereby extended o-Ter a period of ten
years Said assessment shal'i constitute a fund to be known as
Special TrIprovement District Fund Ylo� 203.
Socticn 6. That said improvements shall 'he paid in Special
Imlyro7ement District Coupon Bonda issued againet 8&Id distri3Ot
in the sum of $500.00 and $100,0C each, -bearins.)- intereQt at 6
per cent per annum from the date of 1,egietration umtil called
for redemption Or paid in full, interest payable anKn ually on
the first day of January of each year, payable ten years from
date and redeemable at any time there are funds to the credit 6
of such Tmprover,,ient District Fund available therefor; the intet
est coupons attached to such bonds to bear the fac-sixile
signaturec, of the Mayor and. Clerk.
Section 7. That on the 2hd day of Ju'.,V, 1923, at the Council
Chambe:,-a in the City Hall of the City of Kalispell, Montana, at
7:30 o'clock P. m., a regular meeting, the City Council will
hear and pass upon all prote.,,:ts that inya be made &j.ainst the
making of such inprerements or the creation of such district.
Section a. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed
to LAve the proper notice of the paa»a,-Ie of thi-s -asolution by
publication and mailing as requires by law, suall, publication to
made in tijo yalispell Times a wekkly newspaper published
in the City of Kali -,Pell -
Passed June 4th 1923.
Approved June 4th 1923.
,,4%. G. SWAM, City Clerk.
State of "-�rtana
County of Wlatheall )es-
7%UTY, Clerk Of 1"he Cl` lid Of Yallb-
ITOT_tara, do hk re",y cert'i',"Y ds a 'Ull'
true and exact enpy of a, resolution pasd by then City Council
and approved by tile VaYcr Of the City of Kal.ispe1l, "Montana, on
the 4th day of June, 1923.
,jesli ,qy hand tnia 5th da'