Resolution 929 - Resolution of Intent - SID 201179
RES61,UTIOV NO. 929.
Section.l. That it to the intention of the City Council of the
City Of to create a *peQial improvement district� hereby
ditsignote d as Special lynprovement Distr:ict No. 201, and the
boundarie s of said proposed special iinpro,�ement dieltrict are, hereby
declared to be as follawz� Commencing at a point which Is the
intereaction of the centar line of the alley 'between 4th and title
Avenues East and the south property 11ine of Railroad Stlreot, thence,
westerly along the south property line of Railraod Street to its
intersect'Lon with the center line of the alley betrean 3rd and 4th,
Aver uee Us1,, thence south along the center line of said alley to the
north pro I)erty line of Seyenth Street to itt, intereection with the
center line ofthe alley between 4th and. 5th Avenues East, tl".Lence
north Llong the center line of said alley to the plat e of beEinning�
such being the district declared by the Council to be benefited
by the conter.I.A.ated inproveriente, herein mentioned.
Section 2. That the general character of the improvemen.ta to
be made in said proposed Special TmprcV(_1meP.t Di strict is as
follows,, to -wit. the ccrvtTnzcticr of a pavement tcI)e Of, �jx
irob Fortlard Cement Concrete, Two inch Warrenitr_-Bitul.ithic
eurface or a, two and, one-half inch, crushed rock or cruHl,AGd
bate, Two inch WarrenAtc-,,BitU1it1jjc surlact on a two inch mixed
bituirdr.our base, Four inch an,,,,phaltic concrete uurfac,,* on a tv o
and ore -half ince crushed rock or crushed gravel base, Six inch
asphaltic concrete surface on a two ,rd One-half incth crushed rcok,
Three ine"n, surface of penetration macadzcn on a two and one-half inch
crushed rock or crushed gravel base; with necessary appurtenances; ao -h
the City Council shall herein -after determine, fran the south property
line of Railroad Street to the north center line of Seventh Street
on. 4th Ave. last and to the center line of the alleys between 3rd,
and 4th Avenves Eiast and 4th and 5th.Avenues East on 1.-t, ?nd, 3rd,
4th, 5th and Fitts Street,o, to be �O feet in width between curbs, and
the cont3tructior of catc'ki basins, storm sewers, curbs, rapairing
boulevards etc. where neces,,ary,
Sectior, 3. That the approxinate cost of said improveT,-P Tj
.3 inch pe net.ration mae-adkn on crushecl rock or g7ra-ve1. bass3 0
Six inch Protland Cement Concrete $40875.
Two Inch Warr eni te-Ei tuli tr.j c on crushed. rock or gravel base $373M
Two ir-ch Warr enite-Bitul, i thic on mixed Bitlmiinous, base $40175
Four inch Aephaltic cOncrto an cruehe.d. rock or gravel base $Z03()0
Six inch asphaltic concrete on crushed rock or gravel, base $35940
Section 4. That the entire c,0,_,t and expense of such -inDroveraents
including street and alleyintersections, shall be asseased a, inst
the entire district, each lot or pan.,el of land within such dietrirt
to to assessed fax that PEIrt Of the wholct coat whioh its are&, bears
to the area of the entire district exclusive of Qtreets, alleys and
public places, provided that each square foot of land embarced witit
any corner lot shall bear double the amount of the cor�,t of ily1provem
r-ent done upon the street'adjoining the said lot, than a square foot
of any inside lat shall bear; provided further that any of the
class of vork to be done, heretofore done at the expense
of the owners 01' ZVIIer of any lot or lots abutting said work, �.hetb
such work is done upon the offinAai grade and in a manner and
condition satisfantery to the City Engineer, be excepted
from the proposed work, and the cost of such excepted work shall
not be as sessed, agei,`Lnst such lot or lots.
Bection 5. Za,at said assessment shall. be paid for in tenequal
anrual instaiiwantt: hereby extended over a period of ten years®
Said assessnent, shall constitute a fund to '�,e known as Special
Improvement Distria;t Y'unci No. 201.
Section 6. That improvementz shall be paid for in Syscial
lap;ovement District coupon bonds issued a�xainst eaid district
in the sum of 0500.00 each, bearing interest, at 6 per cent per
annLm) from thm date of registration until oalled "or reden-noon or
paid in full, interest payable annually on the first day of January
of each year, payable.. ®. a .... ® YeSITS frOm date, and redeenabl e
at o.ajy te there are funds to the credit of ;such Improvement
District Fund available therefor; the irtere:�t ,oupons attached
to such bonds to bear the fac-simile signatures of the Iffayor and
section 7. That on the 2nd dya, of JvIY, 1923, at tie Council
City KalisTellk N ntat&,
jr the City 113,11 of the C
at 7;30 o�clock p. m.,,:a regular mecting, the City Council will
hear and pass t�pon all proterdtq that may be made againat the mak-
ing of su ch improvementz or the oreati or, o' 4�,uch district.
$eGt1cm a, The City Clerk, iz liereby autea orizea ancl aji.,ec-Lecl
to give the proper notice of tlao passage of' thie, reaolution by
publication as required 'by lwF, such publication to be made ir the
Kalispell Time a weekly newspaper published in the City of
Passed June 4th, 1923.
Approved June 4th, 1923.
A. E. B001MIZ, Mayor.
A. G. 3SWi0TIIY, City Clerk.
State of Uontana
County of Flathead j Se.
City of Kalispell {
1, A. G. SVIWEY, Clerk of" the City of Kalis-
pell, Yontana, do kiereby cex-tj,fy that the fore8oing is a full,
true and eXact cOPY Of a resolution passed by •the City Council,
and. approved by the Mayor of the City of Kalispell, Vontana,
on the 4t}s day of June, 1923.
Witness any hand this 5t-n day of June, 1,23.
A. G.4Y.ANEY, City (Cler..