Resolution 928 - Resolution of Intent - SID 200Im RE'SOLUTTON OF TYTENTTOITI To CIRE'.&'rE SPEC-11J, TT,1,1'1R0'V-,Mv N'T DISTRICT T111 0 1, 0 0 BE IT R]SISOLVED BY T11,71 CITY COT-INCIL OF TFDCTTY OF YALISFELL, Yn,,,TANA, Section 1. That it is, the intenticr; of the City Council of the City of Kalispell, to create a special improvement district, herby designated af.,, Special Improve.niertu District No. 200, and the boiAndaries of sadd propose d special improvement, dictrict are hereby declared 'to be nts follow v, BeC..,J*1nninL-,, at a point, in the center 11-ne of Railroad, Street, which is the point of intersection of Railroad Street and Fifth Alley ea*t, thence west alo'ne, the nenter line of Railrc,ad Street to a point wlich !,,Lx the of Rajirmad Street and Fosrth Alley east; theree south alon�, the center line of Fourth Alley ea,Lt t+, a pcirt viln-,,h io the Centex,, line 01f S>eventh,, Street, tbence eact alon6 the ccrter 'tire of Severtll, Street to, a P o i rit Vq 4 c;h ibs the center litre of 5th Alley ea,-ct; thence north along the cente.-., line of 5th Alley east to the place of Sention 2. Tha,t t1ke general character of the improzernerts to 'be maide in said propoLel Special Improvement District i,,; as fo 11 to - it: Construction of concrete Curb and gutter on both sideu of Fourth, Avenue Ear."L. and to return to the Fourtli Avenue property lines of Fourth Avenue East at the street intersections. Section 3® Thal, the approximate cost of �ajd is i -m pr o-mments Sectim 4. That the entire cost and expenae of such jncludin6 %„treet am alley interseoll-iomo, ihull be aose.-,uerl w�wir,st the entire district, Ouch lot or parcel of land within such diRtrict to be az se es, ed for that 1art of the whole cost Whic,]"a it,a area bears, to the area ol" the entire di,-,triot ex,cl.ueiire of ztrec,�tF,, alleys amd pb ulio, places; that any of the olaL�s of vvork proposed to Y;e done, heretofore doyie at the exl,,en.qe of the owner or owners of any lot or lots abutting vadd work, where 2woh work is done tq,,or,� the offloial grade and In F, manner and conditiar. taatisfectcry to the City Co,,unc—,1, siall le exempt fr(,m the propozed work, an6 the cost of such excoptedt work Shall not be assezoed ag,,uinot such lot or lots. S,ecticn 5m 7hat eaicl, assessn, ent shall, be paid for in five aqLgal annual. irstallments hereby exte-r,ded over a period of five, yeare. Said a.s-sessrent shall. constitute a fund. to be known as Special Impro- vement District Fund No. 200. Section 6. That said improvemetts shall be paid for in Special Tuiprovement Djsjtj,jct Coupon bonds is.sued against said district in the surn of $100.00 each, bearinL interest at 6 per cent per annum froyn the date of regictrationl-until called for redemption or paid in full,- interest payable annually on the first day of January of each year, raYable five year, from datc, and redeemable at any time there are funds to the credit of such Improvement District Fund .1 availahle therefor; the interest coupons atta-ched to such bonds to bear the fao-ziyftile signatures of the Mayor and. 01rk. Section 7. That on the Grad day of July, 1923, at the Council Cham'bers in the City Hall of the City of Kalispell, Montana, at 7:30 a0clock p® m., L regular meeting, the City Council. will hear and pass upor all protests that may be niade a,6.-ainst the making of s-ch ir,]proveroents or the creation of such district. Secti�)r S. The City Clerk Is hereby authorized and directed to pgive than proper notice of the passat,se of this resolution by pub- licaticn and mailing as required 'by law, such publication 'to be made in the Kalispell Times a weekly new,.paper pu'�I.Ashed in the City of Kalispel,l. Pc,sr,e6 June 4th, 2,923. App roved June 4th, 19'23� A . BOORITAIT, Mayor. A. GSW-MNEY, City Clerk. State of Yontan- t County of Flathaad Be. City Of Kaligpell 1, A� G. SWANEY, Clerk of the City of Kalispell, Montana, do hereby certify that the foregoing ie a full, true and exact copy of a reaclution pasoed by the City Council and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kalispell, Montana, on the 4th day of June, 19C,3e Witness my hand this 5th day of June, 2.1.�Z ' June, 0 A�NE�'Y'Ccity cle",