03-25-14 Conrad Mansion MinutesCONRAD MANSION MUSEUM
March 25, 2014
Members Present: Mark Norley, Cate Webber, Colleen Unterreiner, Vanessa Ceravolo, Rita
Fitzsimmons, Celeste Pace, Katherine Thompson, Sue Corrigan, Theresa White
Ohers Present: Gennifer Sauter (Director), Margot Jaumotte (Assistant Director), Mary Miers (Volunteer)
The meeting was called to order by President Mark Norley at 4: 07 p. in. with a welcome
Moved, Sue; Second: Rita; Carried that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board,
February 18, 2014 be approved as read.
Rita presented the slate of new executive officers: Moved, Rita; Second, Mark, Carried that the new
Executive Board for 2014 -15 consist of President, Sue Corrigan; Vice -President, Vanessa
Ceravolo; Secretary, Cate Webber; Treasurer, Everit Sliter.
Theresa White and Sue Corrigan introduced the new members of the Board: Celeste Pace, representing
FVCC and Katherine Thompson, representing the City of Kalispell.
Theresa requested that the Board Minutes continue to be forwarded to her to archive for city records.
On behalf of the Board, Mark gave a final farewell and thank you to retiring Board Members Coleen
Unterreiner and Theresa White followed by a round table introduction of all present. The term maturity
dates for all board members are
Diane Miller: 01/10/17 Vanessa Ceravolo 04/30/14 Beth Collier 04/30/14
Cate Webber 01/10/17 Sue Corrigan 04/30/17 Gary Havens 04/30/15
Everit Sliter 04/30/10 Mark Norley 12/31/14 Celeste Pace on -going
Rita Fitzsimmons 12/31/14 Katherine Thompson on -going Teri Iwerson 04/30/14
Mark requested that he continue on the Board in the capacity of Immediate Past President.
A brief tour was made of the upstairs to see the new furniture, arrangements, and displays.
Thank you letters from Mary Miers and Ginny Swan thanking the Board for covering their room expenses
at the MAM Conference in Helena.
Director's Report
• Need for a new boiler. Bill Yarus would install the new boiler gratis if the Mansion were to purchase
the boiler from him
• The MAM Conference presented much information on how the Mansion could improve its tour
scripts to concentrate of different aspects of the family/contents/history/stories to encourage repeat
visitation as well as information on accession and deaccession.
• Death by Chocolate, April 25, 26, has a good hard-working committee behind it and has arranged for a
different caterer, Winchester Steak House and Bonelli's Bistro, each night; ticket prices are $60.00
and 55.00 (for members); Inter -Lake advertising begins March 26. Donations for raffle baskets are
Additional tour guides are needed for this year; interviews are in progress. A May 15 visit to the Daly
Mansion in Hamilton is being planned.
The Glacier Institute lecture on Pikas was very successful. Another lecture, Harlequin Ducks, is
planned for April 3.
Gift Shop Manager Cindy Conner is doing well after knee replacement surgery last week..
Sue reported that the next meeting of the 4`' Anniversary Planning Committee is April 2 at 4 p. m. Plans
are for a variety of events, both big and small. Rita reported that she and Nikki Sliter had come up with the
following suggestions:
• Elegant or casual, dress -up or down, fundraiser events at local restaurants; a different restaurant each
• Very elegant, very expensive dinner at one of the historic eastside mansions. Nikki has volunteered her
• Expo event featuring locally produced edibles and drinkables.
• Dinner and lecture by Tim Gordon, accredited antiques appraiser, followed next day by a ticketed
event and antiques appraisal opportunity with Mr. Gordon.
Cate is writing an article, with picture, touting the members of the Mansion Board to be published in the
Inter -Lake.
James was recognized and thanked for acting as Recorder and will continue in this capacity.
The next meeting of the Board: April 15, 2014 at 4 p. m.
Moved, Sue; Second, Mark; Carried that the meeting be adjourned at 6:15 p. m.
Respectfully submitted,
James Udick, Recorder