Resolution 926 - Resolution of Intent - SID 198926. RESOUTTI ON NO .
Section 1. That it is the intention of tie City 1°ouncil of
the City of Kalispell, Yontana to create a special improvement
district, hereby designated as Special Improve mexit District No.
198, and the boundaires of Baid proposed special improvement
district are hereby declared to be as follows, Commencil-Ig at
a point in the eastern boundary of Woodland Avenue in line with
eastern extension of the center line of Bloc]: 192; thence in a
westerly direction aLiong the center lines of blocks 192, 41, 42
and 43 to a point in the center line of Second Avenue Fast in
line with the western extension of the center line of Block 43,
thence south along the center line of Second Avenue 11-'aot to a
point in line with the western extension of the center line of
Block 58; thence east al6ng the center lines of Blocks 58, 58,
60 and 193 to the point on interseetion, of the eastern exten-
sion of the center line of block 193 and the northern boundary
of Block "A"; thence in a -northwesterly direction along the
northern boundary of Block "A" to the northwestern corner of
said block; thence in a northwesterly direction aloe S the eastern
boundary of Woodland Avenue to the place of beginning.
Section 2. The grwJing and paving of Second otreet east from
Second Avenue -Fast to Woodland Avenue and for the construction
and inztallation of catch basins, curbs, widening of parking strips
and extra piece43 of sidewalk; such paving to be concrete,
Warrenite Bitulithis or. Tax -via on Tacadam baze,as the City Counoil
shall hereafter determine, together with park lighting :Posts.
Section 3. That the approximate costs of said improvements
is $2o,315.CO for concrete, $19,914.00 for Bitulft'hic and $14,284.00
for Tarvia Pavement.
Section 4. That the entire cost and expense of such im-
prove.ments, including street and alley intersectiona, shall be
assessed against the entire district, each lot or parcel. of
land within such district to be assessed for that part of the
whole coast whigh its aread bears to the area, of the entire dis-
t'rj,3� e7,clusive of atreets, alleya alad public places; provided
t]1,,jt eacrj square f0c)t of land embraced within any corner lot
shall bear double the anount of the cost of such improvements that
a square foot of any insude lot sah1l bear; provided further, that
any of the class of work pro poaed to be done, heretofore done at
the expense of the owner or owners of any lot or lots abutting said,
work, where such vr,ork is done upon the official grade and in a
mariner and condition satisfactory to the City Engineer shall be exem-
pted from the proposed work, and the cost of such excepted work 'shallb
not be assessed against such lot or lots.
Section 5. That said assessment shall be paid for in ten
equal annual installments hereby extended over a period of ten
years. Said aaasssament shall canstitute a fund to be known as Special
Improvement District Fund No. 198.
I Section 6. That said impr�.JVements shall be paid for in Special
lmprovemett District Coupon Warrant6 isEivad againat amid district
in the swn of $500, $200 and $100 such, bearing intereut at 6 peAcent.
per annum from the date of registration until called for redemption
or paid in full, interest payable annually on the first day of
January of each year, payable ten years from date and redeemable at
any time there are funds to the credit of such Improvement DistrieL
Jr'und a sila,bl therefor; the interest couponp, attached to Such
warrants to 'bear the fac-simile signatures of the Mayor and Glerk.
,section 7. That on the fourth day of June, 1923, at the Council
Chambers in the City Hall of the Gity of Kalispell, Montana, at 7.30
01clock p.m., a regular meeting, the City Council will hear and pass,
upon all protests that may be made against the making of such im-
provements or the creation of such district*
Section 8. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed
to giVe the prep notice of the passage of this resolution by
publication and mailin@', as require;i 1)y law, 6uch publication to be
made in the Kalispell Times,, &_ivaakly, newspaper published in the
City of Kalispell.
Passed April 23, 1,923.
Approved April 23, 1923.
A. E. BOOTeWi, Mayor.
A. G. SIRANEY, City Clerk.
State of Montana (
County of Flathead) SS.
City of Kalispell ?.
1, A. G. SWANEY, City Clerk of the City of
Kalispell, Montana, do hereby certify that the fore6oing is a
full, true and exact copy � of a resolution passed by the City
Council and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kaliepell,