Resolution 925 - Assessment - SID 196RESOLUTION No. 925. A RESOLUTION levying a tax upon all the property in Special Improvement District No. 196 of the City of Kalispeil, Montana, for the purpose Of defraying the costs and expenses of improve- ments made and constructed in said District in accordance with rk resolutions and ordinances of the City of Kalispell, Montana. BF 1T RESOLVED EY TIM CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALTSPRLL. Sect i on I. There is hereby levied, and assessed to dfray the cost of expenses and improvements made and constructed in Special Improvement District No. 196 of the City of Kalispell, Montana, in accordance with resolutions and ordinances of the said City, a tax against all,property included in said dia- trict; the anount to be charged a6ainat each lot or parcel thereof being set opposite the dezcription of the property and the name of the owner, as fallowe, to it; John W. Redlingahafer 1-2 121 127.48 25.50 Liiiie 0. Curtis 13 63.74 12.75 Orville A. & Edward C. Ro'llette 4 63.74 12.75 11. J. Camr.;ell 5 63,74 12.75 Lizzie Campbell 6 63.74 12.75 Martin Duffy I F112' 127 127.48 25.50 A. R. Abel 3-4 127,46 1-115.50 0, C. Bateham 5_6 127.48 25.50 Ka isiell Twnste.Co. Xerigold & Harry P. Sanford) 7 207 63�74 12.75 James A. 'Proctor 8 63.74 12v75 Carlton A. Kelley 9-10 127.45 25.50 14arlon G. Thoma�,n 11 63,74 25.50 Mary A. Gayhart 12 63.17,4 25.50 Bertha E. Holl ingbworth7- 8- 9 208 191.22 38.25 A. J. Cha an 10-11-12 191.22 38.25 Section 2. The said taxes to be paid in five annual. installmenta the first installment of which shall become due and payable upon the filing of a certified copy of this resolution iji the off!�e of the City Treasurer of the said City and shall become delinqizent after the 30th day of Nove-mber, 1923, and the annual installments shall thereafter become due and paya'Vle on tare fjr�zt day of October of each year and delinquent on the 30th day of Novoinber in each year. All the above payments bear interest at the rate of six percent. Tntroduoed this 23rd day Of' Apri'L, 1923, and set for �geasing May 7th, 1923, at 7,.30 o'clock p.m. A. R. BOORMAN, Yayor. ATTEST., A. G, SWAN `, City Cierk. 171 Adopted this 7th day of May, 1923. Approved this 7th day of May, 1923. A. E. BOORITAN, Mayor, ATTESTI At G, SWAXIBYP CI V Clerk,, State of Montwna ( County of Flatl:iead.) 3S. City of KaIiLipell ( I A. G. SWANEY, City Clerk of tljCity of Kalispell, Montana, do hereby certify that the fore -going is a full, true and exact copy of a resolution passed by the City Council and approved I-,y the Mayor of t.ae City of Kalispell, Yontana, on the 7th day of May, 1923. Witness my ha nd thi Eth day 9,Jay, 1�23. A.0 SWANEY, City Clerk. �,"X/ ",'v