Resolution 903 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 32N 'OFI� -, the cost of li�'Jltini; "Ipecial , � SOLUTION eatirvatinf, Liz,,,htinC-, "District Eurib,.,r Thirty Two of tiul pity of Ealiopell for the year 1922, and levyin,rah Vie property within bier zaid, district with the cost of 11,11tin�, Sadd dis�'-.rict. 0- GITY 03V 3'eotjon 1. T,,ie 0oct of lifitir.it is tirz; i trio timber Thirty Two of tiLe pity of ',vtlispell for to yeax 11029, Iii coti- nlatee to Ue $206.28. 3ecAion 2. A tax is hereby levie(I and asseesed upon all the property in the uaid lihtinc; district ;Cor the amount of Vie e,r,ttvwltvd cos,-,,t of the fstreetz t.1,Loreirl to tLe aever,y.I lote atno Imrcels of I°And idtl,irt tsle said dtBtrict. is luereby rnr;,de to tlac ort-,Jnal Iaesojutjorj vjklicki is on file and of rocord in the office of the City �Iork for a, specISIc ddmoription of the property arktrnced in the above mentiDned resolution.) Uection 3. TI-L ta. hereby levied becm,os delinquent vt aix o'clock P-Tfl-, On t-he 30til dr,IY 01' IV2,2. 6ection 4. keference is hereby mr-de to tiie Reso,-Lcation of Intention to create Li,litin,.; District 1:uv,ber Thirty Two for further p.articulv�,rs. Introducec), 'oeptember 5th and st-A for Iio,-,xin�,,> Gotober 2nd, at 7:30 Attest., A. J'. OHIO, City clerk. �do7atoi thia the '2nd day of 0`ctoLer, P pi roved vthis tAe ",?sad day of Ccatol,,, r, Ttay(;r. Attest. A. J. SIUW, City Clerk.,