Resolution 900 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 29J0, 11, U 071.1i t°.,O Cost of lij.Jktirlk it ;irtitaa: District R,'-minbovTwenty-Nine of tne City of Lalispell for the ye,sr ;amd )evyin_ and as,,Ieuain, ;a,ll tile prtyorty within tiae cmid district n,,ibvi ti;e col t o�C ji,,jjtirq, a 3id 'iection 1. `e mot of lijitini; Likjitin6 i,xistrict Iumber Twenty -Nine of VL e city of 'Ialioj*1 ror the year iv euti- to 1-,e $132.00. -oction 2. as tuux io r r= 1=y levied tind asses,,,ed tpon till tile pror4,,rty in the jj_htins ,,, district :'or tke wnount of ttie e.r,.°tirrated co,,,,,t of ti-,,n ctroets t,torein by to the oeveral lots and Vttrcols of 3,mid within t e district. (,P,e fore r,,,ee is iierety ade to tkie ori,;inal 1�esolution which i;; on I'ilv sand of record in tae office of' the City �jerk for a specific descritpion of tne property eiArticed in the cbove viPntionec' reuinlution.) -Oution Z,. Tito tax hurel,,,y leviedl, Lecomes delinqut'mt at six O'cloolk on the 30t4, day of I,ovmft,�er, 1192;'. 6cctiOn 4. -OfererloO is Yiereby 3de to t,Ae 10801utivn of intention to orul,te, 1114,;atin,,District 'I Aamber Twenty- Nine for furVker particulurs. 15th umd oet for ae,"Tin,': CctoLer 2nd at 7:7�0 o'clook P.m. A. t'uyor. Attest: A. 0. 11hy�,V, (.",ity Clerk. jidopted tl-Us the �nd day of 1- tobvr, 1`.IP. z,provt',-'?d this tne "Ind d-Iy of C(tat 'or, I'Myor. j,�ttest: City �;Ierk.