Resolution 908 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 37z�i1-,, 2-11, -1.(. It L, IX) . 906.
A estirmtin4� tile cost of lit"Iltint,- l8qecial lic;,IltirI6
District HtlylberThirty Seven of the ity of 1;alispell, for the
year 1922, anTi levying and auueszintll tiie property Within the
said district with tiie cost of said district.
2, ully 0 111, 'c-Ty I I � C
!,�ection 1. Tie cost of Diotriat
Thirty Seven of 'titer laity of kaliepell for the yea--Ir 1522 is asti-
mated to 'be $131.176
6ection 2. A t > is herel.,y levied ond auuvrood upon all time
property in tile Jj,,-A,-e,IcA Y,r:r., tae, o-me,,Urt of, tile
the f:,tretki tliercin y
to t1le se-Ver'll 10to ;:era is of Llind wit is t1io
(IReference is iierety made to ttie orii:,inai '-,,erolutiori on
file ind of recorrI in ti-le Office of t�ie �,j ty Glerk tor u �Speci-
fic dewril""tion of' the prnperty eMbroa-ed in the t,�bove ri.,ientioned
rev'O'l'ution. )
-Ootion 3. 'Mio t,,,x i,,ereby leviee, toaomeL, eelinquort at
six o'clock pq . on tile 301th d,,,,,,y of 1.,'ovemler, li?221.
�,,ection 4. ,elarence is horety A,,,�ade to -L-w-solution of
Intontion to cro-,Ae Diatrict 1,,wu,,I-,,erThirty Seven for a
Irtrodueed this 5th day of ao , ember and set I*cr heurink;
Octobc,r Pnd, at 7:30 p.m.
i.c�ojitee, ts tie ")nc3� o.,,,,,y of c'ctol)or, lv2.2.
hpprov' eci tJ.!-. ute f),,-nd Ll,,,y of (,ctoter,
W, M ay r
Atte�at: A. J. -'31D,s,7, CitY