Resolution 907 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 36itlpl 10�,Lrr I Ofu jC11. 9 0 7
estimotin4. tiae coot of li,.Jltini� gpe0i,Lll 41�tin,,
D istriot "'UPIver Thirty- Six Of the A tY Of k",ali "P 411 s 1',101 t
tiijv Year IV22, and lqvjln�um t uLweuuinU ill tkic proport'i luiUl
tile f3vjcj (aistrict witt, tjja coot oi, said dietrict.
N "'Ey 0 Kidd, Y ,Lj,:
I , i 'Y ("
6oction 1. T.tie clew of Litivtin6 D�iatriet Eumter
Thirty Six Of titre _,_; $y of laliq)e1_1 i'or tie yea>x 1912,2 is etiy�,ated,
to be $87.64.
acctiori to i:a u,reLlevief) ears' smock rJl t"na
�,'�t 'L�Uj�nt (_'
property in t1w li, t, e C 0 taw
mated Cost of tae strcet,,s ttnvrein t;y apportiordn6� to te
sever,.l lots and pitrcels of land vAthin the said diztria't.
(,Wferenco i5 iiereby wp.:',e to t.'4e oril,,dnp,.0 which
is on fi'lle and o:'-' r(,cord in the office cif the City 12ark for a.
ST")OCific dev.,"criptior) of property ei,,,,�braced iYi ti,e alove maritioned',
'I). 'rha, tax iLere,,;y le viaci t ecoyfe6 cielitaquent ,'A six,
olcloctr pm. on tite 30th day of �iovamber, 19'L�,,,,.
Boot ion 4. Ket'erence 18 ,'Lare1y raaOe to tae, ttolutJ,011 or
Intention to areutp IA,2�kitivlt> tdetriat 1`;1Arrpb(,1r Thirty -Six for
furUier partioulurs.
Introduced Sapteyaber 5h and cct fcr hearin,, October ,,ad
at 7:30 o'clock P.m.
s0k'JAUIe , po%,.
Attest. A..... City
i4opted ithis t?4e 24d(,-,,iy ol' October,
Approved Udu the Mid dzay of October,
,ik. E Ocawy, ,ayor.
Attest: A, Jn`AJC,7, City Clerk.