Resolution 899 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 281377
i R , 1� I ,,1011,,U,010,s tlmlutintj Me coot of li,jiti14; J'Ac"11tinf",
District Amber Twenty - Right of t-hc UAV Of i'ar
mae ye�x V)'12 naid leyyin44, amemsky, all Me ;fro jearty
within the said dir'J'Act tile cost of li'"ANG caid
: -1 17 VARGAITO 1Y M ! C17Y 200111, 0� To& CITY 01'
Bection 1. The cost of li"htinj; A,;�itin(, 4.strict tuub�, r
Twenty -Eight o-,f* tiie city of Kalinpoll ('or tite., ye,-,tr Is ekcti-
mnted to be 1219.75.
jectlon 1. " is nereby levied upon tne
property in t"a mid UJMN; diArict for the jmomM of the
eutimated no.t of 116Mnd ton atrec,'t,,,, tvr(E,in 1,Y
to the several lots ;Lnd. parcels of wJtkiin sald diz;trict.
(He rerence is hereby ro:W-e to tine ori,,Aar �j iiezolutioxi rkliw,
in on file and of reca& In tho o(,fice pf tits uity for
u OPOOMO descriptlan of Mo propsrty onlraced in the above
C,Otion <`). 7-in'a tcLx. hereby loviecl dejjjcquent
six O'010ck P-M., On V10 Zntk� day Of ,';ovenlLer, 1,122.
Action 4. "oference is made to the itOsollution of
Intention to cm,,.tte aeastirr , wi.s�tri.c.t iuynber TWENTY -BIGHT
for fa, tler particulars.
Introduced .,Ah ,,nd s<-,t !'or Cctober Ld
at 7:30 'o'olock, p.ta.
IN . A. Mulum, f4yar.
`otte.t: ,a. J. City c;ierR.
,40-Pte,ld gain the fnd day of October,
tilis t!W 2rld da�y of ('0tober, 1'.�2.
A- I. bURVAI, Umpor.