Resolution 894 - Assessment - Special Lighting District 15A the coot of LijAiM; !A,Aing DisHict
Yumbnr Fifteennf the CiQ, of jalispell, for tl,,n yv;�,,r J2, arid
levy%6 and ussemsin6 til tAc, property within tiie xsa ic3 diztrict
Wit MU 00st of said dlist,rict.
IT �,;Jry C- t,!12.,Y 0,,,, J,�ALI slli4lhf,:
MAW 1. The cost of ljr-,,jjtiyjt; jit,
,j,L.tin6� JiAriot hulaber
Fifteen A the city of' 1,aljepejj foj� t,,,e ye,;,r lt, t icx c-Aim",Rted
Q W 0123.36.
Liection is iwrel;y- 'lovied,arid, upori ,Ill taje
prope,rty in the suld district fO3 tno "'ollo"Ir'It of tile
eptimnted mat of lijAim. tue utreat<, tM.��rein Ly aj2,zt�onin,,-,, to
the cinver,-1 loto :seat p,.areeln ref' 1. ndt witLin tho o�aid clietrict.
i"; lley"Y nl"S to the OriLJY-;-J, 14-10olUtIOn On
Me rind of record in We office wr tue ;,ity �-jurjc for a upeol-
fic doe ,.scription of the proporty enbrucer.1 in tite, al,ove inentioned,
section 3; The tax hereby levied 1,ecomea delinquunt s?,,t
six o'clock p.m. an the 3 th dny of 1�ovwnber, 1922.
aection 4, �',Oferen(�e is leer },nLy i�.,ado to �C601kAti011 Of
Intention to cre,,ite 4�Iitint; District AwSer Fifteen Ear
furMier Imirticularm.
Introduced MptWer 5th rind se % for lasyrin,; October
2nd, at 7:.4) o'(Aock p.j:i.
1. 1. MMUZ, Enyor.
A,tteot. %. J. to City "Aerk.
:AMAed thim the 2,nd (`,,,y of October, ID22.
Ap,roved Viis t,'ae ",,nd dty of October, IV)'r.
A. -oorrman, Fyor.
P�ttont: ji. J. City Clerk.